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Wiggle-Free Wave

Tone your arms


Wiggle-Free Wave

Three basic exercises, performed two to three times a week, 10 to 15 repetitions each, can improve tone in the arms.

I once had a client who asked me if I could help her tone her “waving muscle.” A bit baffled, I told her I had never come across that particular muscle in any of my anatomy books.

She laughed and jiggled the back of her upper arm.

“This thing!” she exclaimed. “It waves whenever I do!”

In honour of that client, I offer three basic exercises for improving tone in your arms. Strength and endurance will accompany your newly sculpted limbs, if you are diligent in your efforts.

Tips for All of These Exercises

  • For joint safety and comfort, avoid locking up your elbows.
  • Keep shoulders relaxed. If you can’t, you’re probably working with too much resistance.
  • Stay fully upright. If you need to lean back when lifting, the weight you’re using is
    too heavy.
  • Avoid doing any exercise that causes pain.
  • To ensure back safety, keep your abdominals slightly pulled in; these muscles support your spine.

Biceps Curl

Works: front of upper arm

How to Do It

Sit or stand with arms at your sides, palms facing forward. Keeping your elbows close to your sides, bend at the elbow, lifting hand weights up toward the front of your shoulder. Lower back to starting position.


Keep elbows by your sides as you lift the hand weight.

Lateral Raise

Works: shoulders

How to Do It

Sit or stand with arms dangling, palms facing your sides. Lift arms out to the side, about shoulder height (palms face the floor). Return to starting position.


Lift only to shoulder height.

Triceps Kickback

Works: back of the upper arm

How to Do It

Sitting in a chair, lean your upper body forward and place one hand on your thigh. With a hand weight in the other hand, bring your elbow close to your side, with bent elbow and hand pointing toward the floor. Keep upper arm in place, extend lower arm behind you, straightening elbow. Return to starting position.


Keep elbow near your side at all times. Stay leaning forward throughout the movement. Use nonworking arm to support your body in the forward lean.

Do these exercises two to three times per week, 10 to 15 repetitions each, using a weight that challenges you but isn’t impossible to work with–the muscle should feel fatigued after completing 15 repetitions. If it doesn’t, increase the weight.



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