For many, "get fit" will top our to-do list for 2012. But only a handful of us will reach our fitness goals. Eighty percent will fall off the wagon by February.
For many, "get fit" will top our to-do list for 2012. But only a handful of us will reach our fitness goals. Eighty percent will fall off the wagon by February.
There are many theories as to why we lack the ability to follow through on our yearly pledge of better health. Erika McKinnon, a Vancouver-based personal trainer, believes one of the reasons for a lack of success is because people don’t commit themselves fully to the process.
Make a commitment
Without a 100 percent commitment to a goal, especially one as arduous as exercising more, a lack of drive and persistence is missing. This spells t-r-o-u-b-l-e once a barrier presents itself, such as an injury or lack of time.
McKinnon recommends to her clients that they write out their goals and place them where they can see them daily, such as on the bathroom mirror. Since 95 percent of our actions come from our subconscious—what we would call a habit—it’s important to keep our goals and dreams in our face every day. This constant reminder will help these new lifestyle changes slowly seep into our grey matter, thus helping this new goal to gradually become a part of our subconscious.
McKinnon also gets her clients to type mini daily goals into their schedulers, whether that’s on their smart phone, computer, or old school with a pen and paper. This process helps them achieve that long-term dream by breaking it down into smaller, manageable daily to-dos. For instance, a long-term goal of a 10 km run is broken down into a daily walk/run program and scheduled like an appointment, thereby assuring that the individual adheres to the plan.
Make a plan
Sue Jordon (, a personal and business coach who has been helping people achieve their goals for a number of years, suggests implementing these three tips when making our fitness plan for 2012.
Find accountability
Without accountability, or someone to hold us to our goals, we can fall back into old patterns. The real power of having accountability, especially in the form of a coach, personal trainer, or workout partner, is that when we do have a setback we can look at it together objectively and from there adjust our plan.
Self-manage your saboteurs
Those little voices in our head we’ve been living with our whole life recall every failure and mishap we’ve ever had. While Jordon acknowledges that it takes power to identify the saboteur and then overcome it, it is something that needs to be identified first and foremost.
Believe in yourself
Never let go of the fact that you deserve to achieve what you want in your life. You must believe in yourself, first and foremost. Learn how to forgive yourself and recognize that you must be prepared to fail in order to truly learn and grow.
Using these tips and the following fitness plan, make 2012 the year you look and feel your best!
Strength program
Burpee with renegade row
Treadmill interval program
Get an indoor aerobic workout by adding the following interval workout to your program. It’s a great way to build endurance, especially during cold winter months.
Time | What to do | Speed/hill (%) Beginners | Speed/hill (%) |
0 to 5 minutes | warm up | brisk walk | jogging 4.8 to 5.0 / 2% |
1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute | interval | 3.5 / 10% 3.5 / 8% 3.5 / 6% 3.5 / 4% | 5.0 to 5.5 / 10% 5.0 to 5.5 / 8% 5.0 to 5.5 / 6% 5.0 to 5.5 / 4% |
1 minute | recover | 3.5 / 1% | 5.0 to 5.5 / 1% |
repeat above 4 to 6 times | |||
5 minutes | cool down | Easy walking pace / no incline | light jog / no incline |
Aerobic program
Two to three times a week, add an activity that gets your heart rate between 65 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate (see sidebar for details on how to find your target heart rate ranges). Maintain this target heart rate for 30 to 45 minutes.
Suggested exercises: jogging, swimming, biking, elliptical trainer, rowing machine, and group aerobic class
Find your target heart rate
220 – your age = heart rate max (HRM)
Multiple the above number by 65 percent and 85 percent for your low and high target heart rate ranges.
206 – your age = HRM
Multiple the above number by 65 percent and 85 percent for your low and high target heart rate ranges.