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The sweetness of staying put



“Unfortunately, in these times of coping with and sheltering in a pandemic,” says Linda Graham, MFT, author of Bouncing Back and Resilience (New World Library, 2013 and 2018), “getting away” to regroup and renew may be more restricted at the very time we need that break from worry and pressure—that dreamed-of vacation—more than ever.

“How do we get away from it all without going somewhere?

“Staycations help us recover much needed perspective about the inherent goodness of life and reclaim our own courage in dealing with it,” says Graham.

Graham adds, “Even if finances or physical mobility are limited, even if it’s a challenge to carve out a private space or a quiet time in a home full of other people and important projects, staycations provide a moment of respite from daily pressures and uncertainties.

“Staycations renew our hope for the future in times when that hope is most needed.”

Should you stay or should you go? 

While staying put has its own rewards, heading a little farther afield might be worth considering as COVID restrictions allow. Being sure to engage in careful planning, research, and discussions with travel partners/family will go a long way toward a rewarding—and safe—trip.


Plan for a healthy getaway

  • Carefully consider if travelling feels safe for you and your family.
  • Stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or suspect you have come into contact with someone who has.
  • If you decide to travel, be sure to maintain physical distancing at all times, wash your hands often, carry hand sanitizer, and consider wearing a mask.
  • Consult a natural health practitioner for immune-boosting ideas.

Environmental benefits of avoiding air travel

  • When deciding to travel by air, train, car, bike, paddle, or foot, consider the carbon footprint along with health, access, and cost.
  • Before COVID-19, the world was set to double its flying population in less than 20 years.
  • Global tourism accounts for more pollution than the construction industry.

For more information, check out:

Gotta Getaway



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