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3 Natural Ways to Boost Your Brain Health


3 Natural Ways to Boost Your Brain Health

When your plans change unexpectedly, send your brain out for coffee

Research shows that anxious, stressed minds make bad decisions. Stress increases the likelihood you’ll choose a risky, high-cost, high-reward option. Reduce anxiety by taking a slow, deep breath. Imagine you can feel the stress chemicals drain from your brain. Choose to approach unexpected events with a relaxed, curious, open mind. A Buddha Air clerk once said to me: “You do have options, you know.”


2) Refuse to let your brain go to battle

According to experts, if you’re focused on fighting the reality of your situation , for example, that you didn’t deserve to be fired, you may fail to change the situation—and you may just aggravate the problem by preventing yourself from responding intuitively and creatively. Acceptance, on the other hand, increases the cognitive and emotional energy you need to move forward. Acceptance relaxes your brain and lets it breathe.


3) Rest your brain in the field of unknowing

What if a disappointing or devastating event actually saved you from something? Something you could never imagine or discover. For example, a “ruined” vacation cut short might protect you from a health problem or disaster. Heavy traffic or unexpected delays might save you from an accident down the road. You may never know what you were saved from, but you know you’re here now. You’re okay. Trust that your life is unfolding exactly the way it’s meant to.



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Maintaining the Brain as We Age

Andy De Santis, RD, MPHAndy De Santis, RD, MPH