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Roasted Chicken with Pickled Grapes
Homemade Queso Fresco

Homemade Queso Fresco

When freshly sliced, queso fresco is mild and somewhat bland in flavour; when melted, it puffs into marshmallow-like pillows with a buttery, nutty taste that will awaken your umami taste buds. The texture can vary depending on how much weight is applied to the cheese when it’s set.

Key queso fresco ingredients

Rennet  is used to form a solid, consistent curd. The curd mass created when using rennet looks like a gentle milk panna cotta. Traditionally, animal rennet is used in cheese making. Vegetable rennet, created from thistles or certain fungi, is also available. Calcium chloride  isn’t necessary if using raw milk, but it’s an important addition to non-homogenized milk, as pasteurization removes calcium. Reintroducing calcium chloride into the milk will aid curd formation.

What’s a cheese curd knife?

A cheese curd knife is a long, narrow tool with a thin, flat blade. You can also use a cake-decorating spatula, though it must be long enough to reach the bottom of the pot without its handle touching the curd.

What in the world is queso fresco?

Queso fresco means “fresh cheese” in Spanish and is the most widely used cheese in Mexican cooking. The recent influence of Mexican cuisine upon our Canadian palate has become as integral to our culinary scene as Chinese food and Italian food. Queso fresco is a white cheese with a firm texture and mild, slightly tangy taste. This high-moisture cheese is delicious fresh and easy to make. Once you’ve made it, you can dramatically alter the taste via additional ingredients such as dry herbs and vegetables, spices, and honey. Typically, when we think of cheese, we think of fatty food. Most health-conscious eaters limit their cheese intake considerably due to that sweeping belief. A wide range of minerals and vitamins are found in queso fresco, as well as linoleic acid, which may actually aid in burning fat—fancy that. Like other fresh cheeses, queso fresco is lower in fat and sodium than aged cheeses.

How to use queso fresco

Crumbled, grated, sliced, or melted, queso fresco can offset the heat in traditional Mexican cooking. When freshly crumbled, it adds texture and milky goodness to salads and fruit. Although it’s scrumptious hot, queso fresco doesn’t melt in the traditional cheesy fashion. Instead, it softens into puffy little pillows of molten milkiness.

Queso fresco tasting notes

Taste and smell: mild, fresh, gentle milky aroma Texture: smooth, creamy, and granular Versatility: excellent crumbled, cubed, melted, or shredded