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"Fruitcake" Ice Cream


    "Fruitcake" Ice Cream

    Ice cream is always a treat, but this rare delight is a snap to whip up. There’s no comparing an honest dose of homemade heaven. Festive time saver: Can be prepared three days ahead.


    1/2 cup (125 L) (packed) raisins
    1/2 cup (125 mL) mixed dried fruit
    2/3 cup (160 mL) dark rum
    8 large egg yolks
    1 cup (250 mL) sugar
    3 cups (750 mL) milk (do not use low-fat or nonfat)
    1 1/2 cups (350 mL) whipping cream

    Combine raisins and rum in small bowl. Cover and let stand at room temperature 2 hours. Drain raisins, reserving 6 Tbsp (80 L) rum. Combine in same bowl.

    Whisk egg yolks and sugar in large bowl until blended.

    Bring milk and whipping cream to boil in heavy large saucepan over medium heat. Gradually whisk into yolk mixture.

    Return mixture to saucepan; stir over medium-low heat until custard thickens, about 15 minutes (do not boil).

    Strain custard into bowl. Cool. Add raisin and dried fruit mixture to custard. Refrigerate until cold.

    Transfer custard to ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer’s instructions. Freeze ice cream in covered container until firm, about 4 hours.

    Lacking an ice cream maker, similar results can be had by transferring the custard into several smaller freezer-proof containers and stirring regularly on the hour for four hours.

    source: "Make This Holiday Feast a Rare One," alive #290, December 2006


    "Fruitcake" Ice Cream



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