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Cherry, Pistachio, and Rose Petal Parfait with Cardamom Yogurt

Serves 4


    Cherry, Pistachio, and Rose Petal Parfait with Cardamom Yogurt

    The simplicity of this layered dessert hides its deeper and more complex aromatic flavours. A cherry compote subtly scented with rose makes an exquisite combination with cardamom yogurt and a topping of ground pistachios and dried rose petals. When buying rose petals, look for dried ones grown for edible use.


    Petals with polyphenols

    Rose petals are full of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidant compounds that can help prevent cell damage. Rose petals and rose hips contain high levels of vitamin C, which supports our immune function. Rose petal tea also contains vitamin E, which, when taken with vitamin C, assists in maintaining healthy skin. It’s also thought that the simple aroma of rose can act to promote a relaxed mood.


    Cherry, Pistachio, and Rose Petal Parfait with Cardamom Yogurt


      Pistachio rose crumble
      • 1/4 cup (60 mL) raw, shelled pistachios
      • 2 Tbsp (30 mL) dried rose petals, grown for culinary use
      Cherry rose compote
      • 15 oz (425 g) cherries, about 3 cups (750 mL)
      • 4 tsp (20 mL) honey
      • 4 tsp (20 mL) dried rose petals, grown for culinary use
      Cardamom yogurt
      • 2 cups (500 mL) plain Greek yogurt or nondairy yogurt
      • 1 tsp (5 mL) cardamom
      • 2 tsp (10 mL) honey


      Per serving:

      • calories198
      • protein14 g
      • total fat3 g
        • sat. fat2 g
      • total carbohydrates31 g
        • sugars28 g
        • fibre3 g
      • sodium48 mg



      For Pistachio Rose Crumble, place pistachios in bowl of food processor and give one or two quick pulses to break them up. Add rose petals and continue pulsing until you have large bread crumb-sized pieces. Set aside.


      For Cherry Rose Compote, pit and slice cherries in half; place in medium-sized saucepan with honey. Heat on medium for about 5 minutes, or until juices have released and are hot and bubbling. In small bowl, place rose petals and strain released hot cherry juices overtop. Reserve cherries: return them to saucepan and set aside. Allow petals to infuse in hot cherry juice for about 5 minutes. Taste every so often to see how the flavour is developing and adjust timing as necessary. Strain juice back into saucepan of cherries and discard petals. Pack into glass container; cover and chill.


      Combine yogurt with cardamom and honey; chill.


      When ready to serve, divide mixture among 4 glasses, layering half of Cherry Rose Compote, Cardamom Yogurt, and Pistachio Rose Crumble in each; repeat a second time.



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