
Alkaline-boosting Smoothie


    Alkaline-boosting Smoothie

    Leafy green vegetables are superb for an overtaxed liver. Parsley is a mild diuretic and celery helps cleanse the liver and lymph glands and aids digestion. Use organic ingredients, if possible. If your fruit and veggies are organic, you don’t have to peel them (except the fresh ginger).


    3 leaves kale, roughly chopped
    1 small handful of parsley
    1⁄2 apple, roughly chopped
    1 medium celery stalk, chopped
    1⁄2 medium cucumber, chopped
    1 small piece of fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped

    Don’t worry about exact amounts of these ingredients, and feel free to adjust any of them to what you enjoy and have fresh in your fridge or garden. Create your own healthy combination.

    Juice altogether in a blender, then drink up and enjoy!

    Serves 1

    source: "Demystifying Detox", alive #331, May 2010


    Alkaline-boosting Smoothie
