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Friday's Top 5 Tips and Trends


Friday's Top 5 Tips and Trends

What veggies contain the most pesticides? When should new moms start losing baby weight? Find out in our latest Top Tips & Trends blog post!

What veggies contain the most pesticides? When should new moms start losing baby weight? Find out in our latest Top Tips & Trends blog post!

1. When should new moms start losing baby weight?

Canadian health experts are tackling the tough question of when new mothers should start losing the weight they’ve gained during pregnancy. Too soon and it could be unhealthy for mom and baby (by potentially restricting diet quality), but too late and it could cause mom to have a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes later on.

According to the new advice, women should begin to lose the weight in three months, and the critical windows to lose at least some of the weight closes in about a year for long-term health. A woman’s weight 12 months after birth is a much stronger predictor of her likelihood to be overweight in 15 years than the amount of weight gained during pregnancy.

Learn more about how to stay healthy after giving birth in our article “Nutrition for Birth and Beyond.”

2. Celebrate Asparagus Month!

May welcomes delicious spring veggies such as asparagus. Rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, and vitamin C, it’s also a nutrient powerhouse. Not sure how to cook it? Check out these awesome asparagus recipes:

3. Kids mimic parents’ TV-viewing habits

Do you watch lots of TV? Do you watch lots of TV in front of your kids? According to new research, children are three times more likely to be heavy TV viewers if their parents are. A similar link was also seen for computer use.

Combat bad screen time habits! Encourage healthy habits in your kids by:

4. Check out EWG’s new Guide to Pesticides in Produce

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has just released their 2014 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which breaks down the fruits and veggies that have the highest—and lowest—pesticide residue. Topping the list of pesticide-contaminated produce is apples, followed by strawberries, grapes, celery, and peaches.

Read the full report for yourself on the EWG’s Food News website, and learn more about when and how to choose organic foods in our article “20 Ways to Save on Food.”

5. It’s all in the handshake…

Sure, a handshake can signal confidence (or a lack thereof) but did you know that it can also measure the speed of your aging? According to recent research, hand grip strength gets progressively weaker as we age, and it’s also easy to measure. Learn more about staying healthy as you age in our article “Nutrition for Seniors.” 



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