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Friday's Top 5 Tips and Trends


Friday's Top 5 Tips and Trends

What factor has the greatest impact on heart disease risk? Can coffee help protect eyesight? Find out in our latest Top Tips & Trends blog post!

Happy Friday! We’ve compiled some of the top new scientific research to help you stay healthy.

1. Pregnant women need to be extra careful when driving

Pregnant women, listen up! A new study has uncovered that pregnant drivers are at a much higher risk of serious car accidents when driving—especially when in their second trimester. Although the researchers aren’t sure why this is, they suspect that the second trimester leaves women physically exhausted (due to aches and pains and fatigue) but they’re still as active and busy as pre-pregnancy. By the third trimester, on the other hand, women might be less likely to push themselves.

If you’re pregnant, be sure to be cautious on the road:

  • Wear your seatbelt.
  • Obey traffic signs and the speed limit.
  • Don’t use your cellphone, and minimize other distractions.

2. Inactivity has greatest impact on women’s heart disease risk after age 30

What lifestyle factor has the greatest impact on your chance of getting heart disease? If you said diet or being overweight, you’d be wrong. For women under the age of 30, smoking has the greatest impact, but for those 30 and onward, it’s all about exercise. This isn’t to say that other lifestyle factors don’t matter, but it does shine the light on just how dangerous inactivity is.

Do you get the recommended 150 minutes (at least!) of moderate to vigorous exercise? If not, you’re putting your health at risk.

3. Arguing yourself to death?

Those who have frequent arguments with partners, friends, or relatives have a higher risk of dying early, according to a new study. The researchers didn’t find this too surprising, citing previous research that showed positive social networks increase happiness, reduce the risk of stress and illness, and can even boost longevity. Interestingly, being out of work increased the negative impacts, and men seemed to be more impacted by arguing partners than women.

Want to argue less? Learn how to deal with conflict the right way.

4. Coffee lovers, rejoice!

Coffee lovers everywhere have a new reason to celebrate: research shows that chlorogenic acid, a strong antioxidant found in coffee, may lower the risk of deteriorating eyesight as we age. Age-related eyesight decline can be linked to diabetes, glaucoma, and retinal degeneration.

Before you sip just any old, brew, why not check out our article “Know Your Bean” to decipher coffee lingo and learn which roast is for you.

5. Could grape skin extract help treat diabetes?

The mighty grape may help treat diabetes, according to new research. While more research needs to be done, the results of a new study measuring grape skin extract’s effect on type 2 diabetes showed promise. Researchers are optimistic about the potential for a natural, low-cost, drug-free product.



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