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Friday's Top 5 Tips and Trends


Happy Friday! Welcome to our second edition of Top 5 Tips and Trends.

Happy Friday! To celebrate the end of the week, we’ve compiled the best natural health news, tips, and trends for you, for our second edition of Top 5 Tips and Trends.

1. Sunscreen helps to prevent skin cancer

Is this news? Well, yes, actually. While it’s a common assumption that sunscreen will prevent skin cancer by preventing skin burning, there was actually a lack of research proving this reasoning to be correct. Until now, that is.

The new research shows that sunscreen, when applied properly, protects our “superhero” gene (actually called the p53 gene) from damage. This powerful gene is always hard at work, repairing skin damage. But if continual burning causes the gene to mutate, skin cancer can result. Not all sunscreens are created equal. Do your homework and pick a high-quality natural brand.

2. Exercise is as good as medication

Running shoes may be a better option than popping pills, says new research in the British Medical Journal, when it comes to heart disease and stroke. Just to be clear, the researchers aren’t suggesting that those on medication should stop their treatment, just that regular exercise can do a world of good.

Not enough adults get enough exercise, but the health benefits of exercise are stupendous and far-reaching—and virtually side effect-free when done properly, compared to drugs’ many side effects or contraindications. Chat with your health care practitioner if you’d like to start an exercise program.

3. Creative or orderly: what does your desk say about you?

What does your desk look like? Be honest: is it overflowing with papers, empty coffee mugs, and office supplies, or is everything neatly stowed in colour-coordinated boxes and binders? For me, it depends how busy I am. I love having everything in its place, and I do actually have colour-coordinated boxes, but when I’m really under pressure to get a project (or three) done before a deadline, my desk seems to pile up.

Turns out having everything in its place can produce healthy choices and generosity, according to a new study that tested the behaviours of participants who spend time in either a messy or organized room. But those with disorganized desks need not feel bad: the folks who spent more time amid the clutter chaos showed more creativity, whereas those in orderly spaces were more conventional.

You might even try to use the study’s findings as an excuse to your boss (or spouse) who wants you to clean up your act—just say that you wanted to channel your inner creative genius!

4. Crack an egg for World Egg Day!

Eggs have been wrongly vilified for containing fat and cholesterol for far too long! We now know that eating an egg a day will not raise one’s risk of heart disease. Furthermore, eggs are a great source of protein, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium, and healthy fats.

Celebrate World Egg Day by trying one of our favourite alive egg recipes, such as Omelette to Go, Beetroot Pickled Devilled Eggs, or this healthy version of Egg Fried Rice. Yum!

5. Try a natural hair mask

Need an added boost of nourishing moisture in your hair? A hair mask may be just what you’re looking for. This new trend in hair care started a few years ago but is still picking up speed, especially in the natural industry.

Now we can find natural hair masks on health food store shelves, packed with wholesome hair care goodies such as avocado, cocoa butter, olive oil, and argan oil. They’re meant to be used weekly for best results on dry, brittle, and coarse hair. It’s even more important now that the chilly, drying weather is just around the corner.



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