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Friday's Top 5 Tips and Trends


Friday's Top 5 Tips and Trends

Beat the mid-January blues with these health tips and trends!

Don’t let the mid-January blues get you down! Make use of these new health tips and trends.

1. Boost memory with caffeine?

In a new study with 160 participants, researchers found that those who consumed caffeine boosted their memory, performing better on memory tests.

Should we be popping caffeine pills or drinking copious quantities of coffee? Probably not, the researchers warn, as caffeine can cause negative reactions, such as jitteriness and anxiety. Interestingly, the participants were all non-caffeine consumers on a regular basis, so it’s possible that the effects may be muted in people who regularly consume caffeine.

2. Are we turning our kids into candy addicts?

A recent news story posed the question: are we turning our children into candy addicts? Some parents feel as if their children are addicted to sweet sugary treats, and cite that it’s given to them at every turn: school, birthday parties, grandparents, even doctors’ offices! If this sounds familiar to you, it may be time for a “candy detox.” Check out our article “Good Food is Cool Food” about promoting healthy eating in kids and teens.

3. Celebrate Oatmeal Month!

Did you know that January is Oatmeal Month? It’s hard to find a breakfast as healthy, quick, and delicious as oatmeal. It’s packed with fibre that regulates blood sugar and keeps you satiated (or as my great-grandmother used to say, in less scientific terms, “It sticks to your ribs!”). You can either use quick oatmeal, or regular oatmeal that you can make in advance. Looking for inspiration? Check out the following alive recipes:

4. Twin test shows smokers look older

It’s often said that smokers look older, but it’s hard to tell for sure whether or not that’s true. Now a new study using photographs of twins proves that it is true—the twins who smoked looked older than the twins who didn’t smoke, and among the twins who both smoked, those who smoked for longer looked older.  It’s not too late to make your resolution of quitting smoking a reality.

5. Thinking about doing a cleanse? Do it the right way!

Along with springtime, January is a very popular time of year to do a cleanse or detox. It coincides nicely with resolutions of eating better, getting healthy, and even losing a few pounds. But do you know how to do a detox the right way? Stay safe and get healthy by following the tips in our article “Cleansing and Detox FAQs.”



Friends with Health Benefits

Friends with Health Benefits

Theodore D. Cosco, PhDTheodore D. Cosco, PhD