Staggering, jaw-dropping, alarming—none aptly describe the scale of food loss and waste in Canada, which amounts to 11.2 million metric tonnes of avoidable food waste a year.
Avoidable food waste is the lettuce forgotten in the crisper, the leftovers that got passed over, and the bruised apple in the grocery store that never sold. All in, we generate about $49.5 billion worth of avoidable food waste, or just over half of what we spent on food in 2016.
With the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals including a 50 percent per capita reduction in global food waste by 2030, the pressure is on to find ways to extend shelf life and make better use of our food.
Enter packaging. Shrink wrap on an English cucumber protects these thin-skinned staples from bruising, drying out, or being exposed to too much moisture and rotting. Polylactic acid (PLA), used to make compostable plastic clamshells, improves blueberry shelf life.
But are we trading one problem for another when we opt for produce packaged in plastic to keep it fresher longer?
Possibly. Many of the existing biodegradable or compostable plastics used for packaging end up in landfills because they only break down in specific conditions and often not fast enough for most commercial compost facilities, where turnaround time is one to three months.
Even recycling plastic clamshells can be an impossible challenge, explains Catherine Habermebl, director of waste management services in Ontario’s Niagara Region. “Each plastic is different, and so when you take it to recycle and break it down, there’s different temperatures, there’s a different process,” Habermebl says.
It’s even worse if they have a label on them, notes Alexandra Grygorczyk, a sensory and consumer services research scientist at the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre near St. Catharines, Ontario. Those are automatically diverted to landfill because the labels are made of different material than the clamshell and would contaminate recycled plastic.
As a result, Canadians generate roughly 3.3 million tonnes of plastic waste a year, according to the federal government, which is seeking solutions for bioplastics, including PLA, to make them more compatible with home and commercial composting systems.
Still, there’s the food waste issue, including the 24.3 million metric tonnes of unavoidable food loss created every year within the Canadian production and supply chains between farm and consumer.
The good news is that unavoidable food waste is ripe with potential, Grygorczyk explains. Government grants exist for startups to convert these waste streams into a new value chain, similar to Loop or Outcast, the Canadian companies upcycling unavoidable food waste into juices and protein powders.
“There are all kinds of grants right now supporting companies that want to set up new processing facilities and initiatives in Canada,” Grygorczyk says. “There’s definitely a lot of positive forces making this into an opportunity.”
In those cases, packaging needed for repurposed produce is both necessary and likely worth it, she notes.
“If you reuse or even reduce—so, prevent that waste from being generated—that’s obviously the best when you look at the hierarchy of the three Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle,” Habermebl says.