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#2013alive: Wrapping Up and Looking Forward


#2013alive: Wrapping Up and Looking Forward

As we wrap up alive’s 12 Months of Wellness, we look forward to a healthy 2014 and the continuation of our journey to health and wellness.

Where did 2013 go? If 2013 went even faster than usual, it could be because we were so busy incorporating the great ideas of alive’s 12 Months of Wellness into our lives. So how did you do?

Whether you achieved small changes or big changes, or formulated a lot of good intentions, every positive step you took on the road to health and wellness made a difference.

Action begets action. In 2014, we hope you’ll build on the many ideas we shared in 2013 to keep the momentum going. Perhaps you can revisit ideas that you didn’t have time to work on in 2013. Perhaps you’ve already thought of new areas to work on in 2014.

alive and are always there for you with articles on natural health and wellness, fitness, environmental concerns, and healthy recipes.

As we wrap up 2013, we wish you the best of health and happiness in the New Year—and look forward to inspiring you with the latest natural health news throughout 2014.



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Kenny BodanisKenny Bodanis