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#2013alive: Take charge of your career path


#2013alive: Take charge of your career path

By setting work goals, developing skills, and staying attuned to things that inspire you, you can take charge of your career path.

So how is your 12 Months of Wellness challenge going this week? I hope you’ve sat down and reflected on your work goals, what you really want to accomplish, and possible ways to make your goals a reality.

The alive staff members have done a little reflecting, and here’s what we’ve come up with:

Stuart Harries, Editor-in-chief: “I manage work goals and tasks by prioritizing and making lists. I make new lists everyday and prioritize what’s on them. Lists include my daily tasks, my weekly tasks, and my potential tasks that are nice-to-haves but may not get done within the time frame of the list. I categorize all of these listed items so it is clear what must be completed. When an item is not yet done and I am creating a new list, I transfer the incomplete items to the new list and reprioritize.

“I approach my career goals in the same manner. I create lists and periodically revisit them to see if I have achieved my goals. When a goal sits for too long, I break it down into smaller achievable goals that will help me arrive at the larger goal by painting a clear path forward.

“Of course, the career goal list sticks around much longer than the daily/weekly task lists ever do. But no matter how long any list stays with me, it’s always a quick and easy reference point for what needs to be completed, for what’s coming at me next, and for what the future may hold.”

Colleen Grant, Editor: “I try to set a few new work goals each week. Sometimes, these are serious and put in writing: I will finish editing a certain article by Tuesday afternoon. Other times, not so much: I will remember not to bring a salad from home on the days when salad is served in the kitchen. I have yet to achieve the second one.”

Ellen Niemer, Editor and Creative Services Liaison: “I’ve changed careers several times in my life. I’ve worked in the insurance industry, the legal profession, and now I love my job in the publishing industry. As my career has evolved and I’ve discovered what I really love to do, I’ve looked for careers that allow me to use my skills. Never dismiss the skills you’ve developed, even if you want to change career paths. Many skills are transferable to new careers. Of course, it can take time to figure out what your skills truly are, and sometimes it takes courage to change career paths and develop those skills.

“When I lived in the Okanagan, I attended a David Bowie concert. Yes, David Bowie really played Kelowna, BC, in 2004! After moving to the Okanagan 16 years previously and entering a limited job market, I’d settled for jobs that paid my bills and put food on the table. But seeing David Bowie was a catalyst for change. I realized there was a bigger world out there, and after some careful thought, I applied to school and moved to Vancouver. It’s been the best move I could ever have made.

“I guess the point of that story (which my boss didn’t want me to tell) is that I feel we should always be attuned to influences and things that speak to us. Do your homework, set goals, figure out what your skills are, but always listen to your gut (or David Bowie).”


Did you set any new work goals this week or explore a new career path? Share your comments on our Facebook page or via Twitter using the hashtag #2013alive. Remember to use our September goal tracking sheet to monitor your progress.  



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