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#2013alive: Replace a Bad Habit with a Good One


#2013alive: Replace a Bad Habit with a Good One

Next week we’re moving one step closer to breaking that bad habit. We’re going to replace our bad habit with a positive one.

So how did you do with this week's 12 Months of Wellness challenge? Did you commit to breaking a habit? I tried to understand why I never seem to be able to get to bed early. To be honest, I’m still working on it!

If you’re like me, the commute, the gym, grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry (not to mention kids’ activities for those of you with children) form a major part of my evening. I have to accept that there’s only so much time in a day. Perhaps some of the things I do during the week could be done on the weekend. Perhaps it’s as easy as treating bedtime the way I treat leaving for work in the morning. I know when I have to leave … and I do. I know when it’s time to go to bed … and I should go.

If you feel that you didn’t make a lot of progress this week, don’t despair! We have a month’s worth of tips to help you break that bad habit.

Enjoy the weekend, and get ready for next week’s new step on our journey: replacing our bad habit with a positive one.

Let us know how you’re doing by responding to this blog, or sharing your successes and failures with us via Facebook or Twitter, using the hashtag #2013alive.

And don’t forget to download your November goal tracking sheet!



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