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#2013alive: Learn about Your Community


#2013alive: Learn about Your Community

This week, we’re learning about the many events, meet ups, and activities that our communities have to offer.

Our calendars have flipped over to August, which means a new goal for our 12 Months of Wellness. This month, we’re coming out of our cocoons to enjoy the many events and opportunities offered by our communities—and we’re exploring the many ways we can give back.

For the first week of our civic challenge, we’re going use our sleuthing skills to find out about the many events, classes, meetings, and other amenities hosted within our communities.

  • Pick up the paper. Many community papers have within their folds a list of upcoming events. This week is a great time to blacken your fingertips while searching for any events that tickle your fancy.
  • Go online. It’s a rare community these days that doesn’t have a website of its own, filled with a list of community centres and everything they have to offer. A quick internet search can lead you to the website in question.
  • Go straight to the source. If you really want to hone your sleuthing skills, visit a community booth or community centre. These places normally contain brochures and pamphlets that highlight the best of what your community to offer, and the people working within them contain a wealth of knowledge about its many amenities.

Follow us!

Are there any community events or meet ups that have spiked your interest? Leave us a picture on Twitter (remember to use the #2013alive hashtag), or tell us about your experience by leaving us a blog post or Facebook comment.

And, if you want to start planning ahead for next week, give yourself a boost by downloading our August goal sheet!



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