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#2013alive: Get Ready to Compost


#2013alive: Get Ready to Compost

Food waste is no fun - next week we’re turning our leftovers into compost, to avoid unnecessary landfill pileup.

Now that we've said no to purchasing heavily packaged items, it’s time to continue on July's eco-friendly journey by bringing the focus back into our home—specifically, into our garbage cans. Much of our waste can be taken out and turned into landscaping gold by composting.

Take a peek into your garbage can the next time you’re about to toss something in. Spot any wilted lettuce? Brown bananas? Withering grapes?

A recent study found that Canadians throw away about 10 percent of the produce that they purchase each week, adding up to $190.94 of wasted produce each year.

Not only is this an unnecessary drain on our wallets, but it’s also an added burden on the environment. When organic waste is diverted to a landfill, the buried treasures release methane, a form of greenhouse gas—and the liquid from many of our leftovers can drip into the soil and our ground water, after picking up harmful contaminants on the way down.

The same study reported that 90 percent of us feel guilty about chucking our uneaten food away. Next week, to avoid tossing and turning at night with a produce-induced guilty conscience,  we’ll be looking at how turning our leftovers into a compost can benefit both the environment and our yard.

Ready to get going? Start saving your food scraps and spoiled produce over the weekend—leftovers need no longer be left behind!

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