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#2013alive: Find Support!


#2013alive: Find Support!

Got a particularly stubborn habit? This week, we’re finding some support - in the form of friends, family, or a trained professional - to help that bad habit go on its way.

This month for our 12 Months of Wellness, we’ve been kicking a bad habit to the curb. Last week, we figured out what good habit we can adopt to replace our bad habit—planning our day to avoid giving in to couch-potato urges, making a tasty breakfast the night before in order to avoid skipping the morning meal, or any number of positive changes.  

Sometimes, though, those changes might not do the trick. When it comes to busting the bad habits that don’t want to go away, getting some back up—in the form of social support from parents, friends, coworkers, or even a counsellor or psychotherapist—might be the way to go. 

Informal support

Friends, family, neighbours, coworkers, and peers of any sort are great resources when it comes to breaking a habit. After all, we’ve all been there! Any or all of these people might turn out to be able to offer some great insight, an enlightening bit of advice, or that vital bit of support that you need to banish a bad habit.

Formal support

If you need more than a friend, though, there are still plenty of places—and people—to turn to.

Online chat or in-person support groups let you get advice from those who have been there, offer your own advice, and share your successes with people who know just how difficult it can be to break a particularly stubborn habit.

If your commitment this month is to crack a nicotine addiction, the federal and provincial governments offer a number of helpful information, contacts, and support groups. Check them out!

Counsellors or psychotherapists are another great resource for any stubborn habit, as these trained professionals can help you understand, confront, and finally send that habit packing. To find a certified counsellor near you, swing by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy

Support us!

How have you broken past bad habits? Leave us your helpful tips and worldly advice by Facebook, blog  comment, or on Twitter using the hashtag #2013alive. Plus, keep the bad-habit ball rolling by downloading our November goal tracking sheet!




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