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#2013alive: Check Out Our alive Vision Boards


#2013alive: Check Out Our alive Vision Boards

Have you made your vision board? How did it go? Here are our alive vision boards, and what we have to say about them.

April’s 12 Months of Wellness theme is finding our bliss, and our week 4 goal is to create an inspiring vision board.

alive staff vision board experiences

Some of our alive staff—myself included—participated in a vision board-making workshop here at the office. It was a great experience! I love looking at my vision board (I’ve pinned it up at my desk), and I find it very calming. Here’s my board:

Leah's vision board

Ellen, Editor

I had a lot of fun creating my vision board. I felt like I was channelling my inner 8-year-old while I flipped through magazines and cut out pictures and words that encapsulated my dreams. (I still can’t cut straight!) I put my vision board up at work where I look at it every day. It’s soothing and inspiring at the same time. It was fun looking at my coworkers’ vision boards, too. Each was as individual as they are. I’d definitely recommend creating a vision board to help visualize your goals and dreams, or simply to clarify what matters to you.

Lina, Graphic Designer

After creating my vision board, I feel that it gave me a good, honest perspective and outlook on where I really want my life to be going. Since I am a visual person, I think that it will help remind me of what I need to be accomplishing in life!

Amy, Editor

The thing I found most interesting when creating our vision boards was just how quiet and focused everyone was. I’m sure that we all had a relatively good idea as to what we deemed important and necessary; however, the physical task of creating a vision board really forced us to hunker down and decide truly what were the most important aspects in our lives or future lives. To scale our hopes, dreams, and destinations down to fit onto a single poster board is quite a challenge, and was really eye opening for me when deciding what things to keep and what things to scrap.

I’m so happy now to have a visual representation of where I am in life and where I’m going. Not only does it provide me with a roadmap for the future, but also it reminds me just how far I’ve come already.

Bryce, Editorial Assistant

I enjoyed the opportunity to work with my hands—selecting, cutting, and pasting images to my vision board. I had no idea what I wanted it to look like, so it was fun to see how the final product emerged. At first I suspected that because we were all using the same magazines, all of our projects would turn out the same, but it was interesting to see how each finished product represented its maker. My vision board has brought some much-needed personality to my cubicle here at work.

Team vision boards

Share your vision board experience

Have you made your vision board yet? How did it go? Drop us a line via blog or Facebook comments, or by using the Twitter hashtag #2013alive!

Plus, tune in to find out how we’re doing by checking our ongoing Twitter, Facebook, and blog posts. And, if you haven’t already done so, download April’s goal sheet to track your progress.



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