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#2013alive: Are You Acting Like a Kid?


#2013alive: Are You Acting Like a Kid?

From hosting sleepovers to watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, alive staff members reveal how they’re acting like kids.

Week four of October’s fun-filled 12 Months of Wellness is all about rediscovering what we loved to do as kids. Today, we’re checking in to share how some alive staff channel their inner children.

Last week, I got a head start on rediscovering my (not-so-distant) youth by going to the Vancouver Symphony’s performance of classic scores from The Legend of Zelda. My sister and I loved The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time as kids in the 1990s, so this was the perfect way to catch up and geek out.

Editor Leah Payne: “This winter, I’m going to host a sleepover for my sisters and cousins, just like the good old days! On the agenda: dancing around to music, watching movies we used to love, and eating food that’s not terribly healthy!

“That being said, one of my favourite activities as a kid when I wanted some me-time was just spending time in my room making collages out of magazines. I was a bookworm too, but there was something so special about magazines to me—obviously I chose the right industry to work in! The other day, I sat cross-legged on the floor with a big stack of magazines and flipped through them, cutting out my favourite articles and inspiring photos—just like I used to do—and I found it as fun and relaxing as I used to when I was 12.”

Account Manager Jennifer Procyshyn: “I went go-carting with my daughter and her friends. It reminded me of being a kid because growing up I had a motorcycle and dune buggy.”

Twenty-seven-year-old female in denial about growing up/Graphic Designer Amanda Pentland: “Was I supposed to get rid of all those fun kid activities? I missed that memo while “growing up.” I just had a fun-filled sleepover with one of my best friends (as her husband was out of town on business) whom I’ve known since I was five years old! We stayed in and drank kombucha and did crafts and made magazine cut-out poetry and collages … stayed up till 3 am talking and catching up.

“As for puddle jumping, anytime it rains, I have only two reactions (because I love water and rain). One: I should go outside with my camera and take beautiful shots of water drops and light. Two: I should put on boots and go for a walk/puddle jumping in the rain. I still enjoy playing crib, card games, and puzzles often. And I am an artist, so I love to draw and paint when I have free time!”

Marketing Specialist Bronwyn Wilson: “I find having a 10 year old is SO much fun because I get to enjoy things that I loved as a kid all over again. He and I frequently act like kids together! We go for walks and play in the leaves with the dog, we dance around the living room to our favourite music, and we cuddle up on the couch to enjoy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or other movies that my husband and I loved growing up.

"He also loves to help me with baking, which is something I always did with my mom when I was younger. He and I are planning on making some Halloween treats this weekend, and we have an annual Christmas Bake-Off Day each year where we choose all of our recipes together; the kitchen is always filled with giggles, as we make a HUGE mess … but I figure the mess is worth the memories.”

How are you acting like a kid again?

Whatever your favourite childhood activity—arts and crafts, baking, or maybe a game we’ve missed—tell us how you’re rediscovering it in the comments below or on Facebook and Twitter (using the hashtag #2013alive). And don’t forget to download our October goal-tracking sheet to put all the fun you’re having in writing!



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