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#2013alive: Add the Good … and Get Help from Supplements


#2013alive: Add the Good … and Get Help from Supplements

As we end week 3 of our 12 Months of Wellness, we look ahead to week 4 when we’ll learn about getting nutritional help in the form of supplements.

So how are you feeling as we near the end of week 3 of our 12 Months of Wellness? This week we added the good to our diet: leafy greens, fibre, and omega-3s.

We discovered that it’s easy to eat healthier just by adding a few simple foods to our diets. See the alive staff members’ tips for adding the good.

But sometimes our hectic lives get in the way of healthy eating. We’re so busy running around trying to accomplish everything we need to do in a day that eating properly takes a back seat.

Get help

It would help if we had a personal chef to prepare healthy meals for us, but there’s a fat chance of that happening. When we’re not getting all the nutrients we need from diet alone, supplements can help us top up our nutritional needs.

Next week we’re going to look at how to get nutritional help—in the form of supplements. 

Check In

Let us know how your week went. How did you add the good? Did you try any of the delicious—and nutritious—alive recipes? Let us know how you added leafy greens, fibre, and omega-3s to your diet. Drop us a line via blog or Facebook comments, or by using the Twitter hashtag #2013alive!

And don’t forget to enter alive’s contest to win your own Urban Cultivator, valued at $2,200!



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