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You Can Beat Allergies


Eliminate Allergies?

"You have gone daft in the head," I was told by a very prominent physician. "You cannot rid the body of allergies, especially ones that have been present for years."

My reply was, in a very calm but convincing tone, "Yes you can, for I have seen it with my own eyes and now am carrying out the technique on my own patients. And it works!"

The medical doctor who was critical listened politely, but was obviously not convinced until I told him the whole story. The person who discovered this technique is Dr Devi Nambudripad, a knowledgeable, capable and active practitioner. Her acupuncture pain clinic is situated in Buena Park, California, where she also teaches her technique to others. Actually more than 2,000 people have been taught this. Most are from the US, but others come from all the corners of the globe.

Adversity is still sometimes the mother of invention. In this case, Nambudripad had allergies since childhood. She came to California from India in 1976. Still plagued with multiple allergies, she suffered a great deal. At one point in her life she ate nothing but white rice and broccoli for three and a half years. She is a doctor of chiropractic, a registered nurse and has her PhD in acupuncture.

She suffered from skin rashes, bronchitis, arthritis, insomnia, depression, sinusitis and frequent migraine headaches. One day while cooking her white rice and preparing a meal for her family, she ate a few sticks of carrots and immediately became very weak. Her husband brought in her acupuncture needles, which she used to needle herself for the reaction. She slept for 45 minutes and when she awakened she felt more refreshed than ever. She discovered some of the carrots were still in contact with her body while she slept. The very substance for which she was treating herself was within her electromagnetic field while her acupuncture needles were in the correct combination of points to counteract the allergen.

Spreading the Word

This was the beginning of Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET). With further study, testing and calling upon her knowledge in kinesiology, chiropractic and acupuncture, she came up with this amazing discovery. She eliminated the allergies from her own body, her husband and her son. She and others she has trained have duplicated this recovery to good health in allergy sufferers over and over again.

Only RNs, MDs, chiropractors, acupuncturists and other health-related professionals are eligible to take her courses. She is shaking up the hallowed halls of western medicine, which has no cure for allergies other than avoidance and or allergy injections which don't eliminate the underlying problem.

In the foreword to Nambudripad's book Say Goodbye To Illness, Sandra C. Denton, MD, writes, "I'm a clinical ecol-ogist and I've treated allergies for years you can't take allergies away you can make people less sensitive or reactive." In her own words she said she made these remarks in her doctor-know-it-all-attitude.

Denton soon changed her mind as she herself was successfully treated by Nambudripad and later took her seminars. She is now practising NAET. A startling quote from Denton; "What a thrill to treat a patient for an allergy to B-complex [B vitamins] and see her hip pain of 40 years disappear instantly!"

When I studied Nambudripad's course in California, I met a 77-year-old man who was there learning the technique because he himself had been helped so much by the NAET treatments. Still an active ophthalmologist, he had had childhood asthma which eventually settled, but returned with a vengeance in later years. After NAET therapy, he says that he has had 95 percent improvement. He has now completed the training and will start treating patients.

The interesting thing about this whole process is the fact that many people have no idea that some of their symptoms, or maybe all of them, are due to allergies. For instance, allergies to artificial sweeteners may cause a chronic cough. Avoid brushing your teeth with any commercial toothpaste as most of them contain artificial sweeteners. Perhaps you may find you are allergic to formaldehyde. Do you know the reason the tags on your clothes outlast the clothes themselves? They are formaldehyde based! They sit next to your skin most of the day and can cause allergy problems.

Muscle Testing

To check your own allergies is quite simple. Place the pad of your little finger against the pad of your thumb of the same hand and make an "0" shape. Use firm but not excessive pressure to hold them together. Test the firmness by trying to separate them with the index finger of the opposite hand. They should stay together quite easily. Then place a substance you know you are allergic to in the hand with the 0 shape formed by the little finger and thumb. Make sure the allergen you are testing is touching the tips of the fingers of the third, fourth and fifth fingers. Now try and separate the thumb and little finger with the index finger of that hand holding the allergen. The little finger pad and the thumb pad will separate easily if you are allergic to the substance.

The same technique is used by a NAET specialist treating a patient, only their arm is held in a special position while the allergen is held in the opposite hand and the muscle strength is checked. When a reaction to a substance is found, then a combination of kinesiology, chiropractic and acupuncture is used over approximately 20 minutes and the allergy is eliminated indefinitely. A very careful protocol is then followed for the next 24 hours. The patient is then rechecked if the test remains strong, the patient is then free of that particular allergen for life. If the practitioner is working with a baby, very elderly patient or someone
who is debilitated, then a surrogate can be used and just as good results can be obtained.

Nambudripad believes that the majority of illnesses are due to allergies that people are just not aware that they have. Anyone who has suffered from severe allergies knows how miserable an existence it can be just to survive. If the reader is interested in obtaining a list of NAET specialists and finding the closest one to them, just write to Pain Clinic, 6714 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA, USA 90621, and ask for an updated list. They will oblige by sending you such a list.

After telling the above story to my esteemed physician colleague, his attitude changed and his curiousity became aroused. He asked for more information. I hope his mind will remain open and one day he may be converted.



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