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</P> According to a study in The Lancet (Aug. 25, 2001), a bit of sunshine helps to keep the prostate health.

Sunshine for Prostate Health

According to a study in The Lancet (Aug. 25, 2001), a bit of sunshine helps to keep the prostate healthy. The study of 210 men with prostate cancer and 155 men with enlarged prostate but no cancer found that those with the highest lifetime exposure to sunlight, especially those who took lots of sunny holidays, had a 60 per cent lower risk of cancer. Researchers say that while sun exposure has been linked to an increased risk of skin cancers, in the greater balance of things, skin cancer presents less risk of fatality than prostate cancer. Moderate sun exposure and good nutrition to nourish the skin from the inside out are highly recommended.

Protect your memory: Eat Less Sugar

Want to keep your mind nimble as you get older? Give that chocolate bar or can of pop a miss. A recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (February 2003), showed that middle-aged and elderly people with high blood sugar also had a smaller hippocampus, the memory centre of the brain.

For every Alzheimer patient, eight older people suffer enough memory loss to significantly harm their quality of life even though they have no dementia-causing disease, said lead researcher Dr. Antonio Convit of New York University. Unlike other tissues, the brain depends on blood sugar for energy. The longer that glucose (sugar) stays in the bloodstream, the less fuel the brain has to store memories.

Scientists have already established a connection between type II diabetes and memory problems. Although the disease strikes mostly in middle age, anyone who is overweight and sedentary is at risk. The World Health Organization says sugar consumption is a major factor in obesity, and recently issued a report recommending people limit sugar intake-including syrups, honey and fruit juices-to no more than 10 per cent of their daily diet. It also recommends one hour of exercise daily, which helps clear sugar from the bloodstream.


According to the World Health Organization, the average Canadian eats 40.2 kilograms of sugar per year-the average American, 32.6.

Canada has more donut shops per capita than any other country-one for every 9,000 people. Compare that with one US shop for every 26,000 Americans!

Real Men Eat Tofu

To promote healthier eating habits, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has called on sports stadiums, movie theatres, grocery chains and convenience stores to offer meat alternatives such as veggie dogs. Why? A diet high in processed meats can increase risk of type II diabetes in men by nearly 50 per cent, says a Harvard Public School of Health study. Published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (Feb. 5, 2002), the study found that of 42,504 men, those who ate such meats as hot dogs, sausage and bacon about five or more times a week were most at risk.



15 Simple Ways to Reset Throughout Your Workday

15 Simple Ways to Reset Throughout Your Workday

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