"There is no sincerer love than the love of food, wrote George Bernard Shaw. He must have been thinking about the holidays, when food is centre stage at celebrations with friends and family.
Any discomfort that warrants attention can be treated naturally with homeopathy; remedies often work within minutes and certainly within hours. Look for a remedy that best suits the characteristics of the discomfort, since homeopathic remedies are unique in the way they act: the remedy must be similar to the illness in order to cure it.
Belching, cramping pain, and passing gas are typical signs of indigestion. For sharp, cramping pains from overeating, accompanied by frequent urges to pass gas or stool, choose Nux vomica. It also helps when holiday festivities have left you hungover, headachy, nauseous, and irritated.
Family gatherings are sometimes frustrating, at worst infuriating. For spasms and indigestion brought on by eating after an emotional upset, select Ignatia. It is most helpful when emotional distress persists or causes spasms and oversensitivity.
Use Colocynthis when anger or food have brought on agonizing colicky pains that feel better when doubled over or when pressed against something hard. Warmth also helps.
If gas gives a full feeling with bloating and distension, even after eating small amounts (usually onions, cabbage, and oysters), consider Lycopodium. The patient will also feel better after loosening the belt.
Greasy food is a problem for most people, but if rich foods, especially ice cream or pork, regularly trigger intestinal problems, Pulsatilla may be indicated. Again, bloating and distension occur, but the emotional state is characteristic: company and affection soothe the discomfort.
When gas causes extreme bloating accompanied by weakness, causing cravings for air and wind, Carbo vegetabilis is an excellent restorative. This remedy is useful when even simple foods, especially meat, milk, and fats, turn to gas.
When indigestion causes terrible fiery pains associated with restlessness and anxiety, Arsenicum album will ease. Sipping warm drinks may help. If burning pains are accompanied by early morning diarrhea, use Sulphur.
Used constitutionally, homeopathic remedies rebalance the entire system, heal gastrointestinal problems naturally, and allay food sensitivities when they exist.
When intense pain in one part of the abdomen lasts longer than four hours or generalized abdominal pain or cramping pain lasts longer than 24 hours, seek the help of a health professional.
This holiday season is a perfect time to take pleasure in the love of food and enjoy the gathering of people in celebration. Homeopathy can help when these pleasures lead to the pain of indigestion.
How to Take Remedies
Use three 6C pills, hourly until the discomfort improves, then four times daily if necessary. Or take three 30C pills, every two to four hours three times, then sparingly if you feel some improvement but more is needed. Let symptoms guide you: always reduce and stop remedy when symptoms improve.