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The Medical Advisor has been an important part of our magazine since the beginning. Readers have appreciated being able to access a medical doctor with an understanding of nutritional and vitamin therapy and other viable alternatives to conventional medicine. Dr Zoltan Rona is now moving on to another role--one that will round out his own medical practice in Toronto. He will write and distribute his own medical newsletter and has a toll-free number for readers: (877) 920-8887.

I take great pleasure in thanking Dr Rona for his willingness and his wisdom in replying to the needs of our readers. He has kindly agreed to continue on as one of our regular contributors. All of us in the editorial department wish him well in guiding Canadians in managing their own health care.

Our new format for the Medical Advisor column includes four practitioners; three of them have medical degrees and one is an herbalist.

Stephen C. Malthouse, MD
Dr Stephen Malthouse was a family physician for 11 years before developing a special interest in homeopathy. President of both the Canadian Complementary Medical Association and the Canadian Health Education and Research Foundation, Dr Malthouse currently runs a busy homeopathic clinic in Victoria, British Columbia.

Dr Malthouse practises classical homeopathy--where the physician seeks the single remedy that will trigger the patient’s defense mechanism to move beyond symptoms and into healing. With over 2,500 remedies from which to select, a diagnosis requires much information in chronic cases.

Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like." In other words, a substance that can cause adverse symptoms in a healthy person in large doses can cure the same symptoms in a sick person if given in infinitesimal doses.

Keith Stelling, MNIMH, MA
With over 10 years of experience running a busy clinic of herbal medicine, Keith Stelling can answer all your questions about herbs.

Trained in England--the mecca of herbal lore--Keith was the first Canadian to qualify as a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists of Great Britain (MNIMH) and of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy in England. He founded the Canadian Journal of Herbalism and has served on the Government of Canada’s second Expert Advisory Committee on Herbs and Botanical Preparations.

Keith is an advocate of preventative medicine--with a holistic approach. He emphasizes the importance of paying attention to your body’s minor symptoms in order to find the underlying cause before developing into a serious illness.

Keith has retired from active practice and resides in Southampton, Ontario.

Jozef Krop, MD
Dr Jozef Krop is a licensed medical doctor with over 30 years of clinical experience. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and a member of the Canadian Complementary Medical Association. Educated and trained in both Europe (in Pediatrics) and North America, Dr Krop has incorporated the philosophy and techniques of biological and environmental medicine into his medical practice since 1977. He currently practises in Mississauga, Ontario.

Michael R. Lyon, MD
Dr Michael Lyon is a research scientist, author and medical educator. He examines the effectiveness of nutritional and biological therapies in the treatment of chronic illnesses and the improvement of human performance. A former Olympic team physician and the head of a national sports science committee, he is currently the director of Research and Education at the Oceanside Functional Medicine Research Institute on Vancouver Island.

Dr Lyon’s research focuses on the toxicological factors contributing to chronic fatigue syndrome as well as the nutritional and environmental causes of attention deficit disorder and teen violence. He teaches seminars around the world to help raise awareness about effective, drug-free methods to manage attention deficit disorder. He is the author of the recently published book Healing the Hyperactive Brain.



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