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Uterine Fibroids


I knew from the tension in Rosie's voice that something was wrong. She phoned me in a panic after her doctor told her that the heavy bleeding she had been experiencing was caused by uterine fibroids.

I knew from the tension in Rosie’s voice that something was wrong. She phoned me in a panic after her doctor told her that the heavy bleeding she had been experiencing was caused by uterine fibroids. She was hoping to avoid the only option offered by her doctor - a hysterectomy.

Fibroids were a complete mystery to Rosie, as they are to many women. I reassured her that there were many effective ways to reduce, if not totally eliminate fibroids, and without a hysterectomy.

The most important fact about fibroids is that they are benign (noncancerous) tumours. (Less than 0.1% of all fibroids are malignant.) Composed of muscle and fibrous tissue, they are found on and within the uterine wall or in the uterine cavity. Varying in size from very small to weighing several kilograms, more than 40 percent of women have them by the time they reach menopause.

Fibroids are harmless. However, the size or position of a fibroid can exert pressure on the bladder, bowels or sensitive pelvic nerves, causing a variety of symptoms including pelvic pain, frequent urination, constipation, low back pain, irritable bowel and heavy menstrual bleeding resulting in anemia. Fibroids are the most common reason for a hysterectomy, but there are effective, nonsurgical treatments.

Balance Hormones, Ban Fibroids

Fibroids are hormone dependent, thriving on estrogen. The primary cause of fibroids is an excess of estrogen and a deficiency of progesterone.

This estrogen “dominance” is fuelled by the use of “the Pill,” fertility drugs, or hormone replacement therapy. Other contributing factors include bowel toxicity, liver congestion, hypothyroidism, and exposure to environmental estrogens called “xenoestrogens.” From my clinical practice, I’ve observed that the stress from unresolved emotional conflicts regarding creativity, reproduction, and relationships will often increase hormonal imbalances. Since there is a direct relationship between fibroids and estrogen excess, restoring balance by increasing progesterone levels is necessary. Transdermal natural progesterone cream, a bio-identical source of progesterone, is available from compounding pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. The recommended dose is 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon rubbed twice daily (am and pm) on soft tissue such as the abdomen, inner arms, or inner thighs.

Progesterone levels can also be increased by using a standardized extract of the herb chastetree berry (140 to 275 milligrams daily). It may take three or four months before its full benefit is experienced.

In general, all foods that promote estrogen excess must be reduced or avoided: all nonorganic foods, dairy products, sugar, refined carbohydrates, soy products, alcohol, and coffee. It is also advisable to drink filtered water.

Environmental estrogens are found in personal care products, cosmetics, household cleaning products, plastics, and all forms of pesticides - these feed the growth of fibroids. Whenever possible, use only organic, chemical-free products.

Helping the Liver Heal Fibroids

Estrogen is deactivated by the liver before elimination from the body. Liver problems and liver congestion will raise levels of circulating estrogen and thus aggravate fibroid growth. A vitamin B-complex (100 mg) helps support the liver by enabling it to break down estrogens while vitamin E (600 IU) will regulate bleeding and normalize estrogen levels.

Indole-3-carbinole (150 to 300 mg daily), an active ingredient of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, has a powerful effect on the liver’s ability to properly metabolize estrogens. Calcium D-glucarate (150 to 300 mg daily) clears estrogens and xenoestrogens out of the body. Liver support herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion detoxify a wide range of hormones, drugs, and toxins.

Once released from the liver into the small and large intestines, estrogen may be reabsorbed back into the body if the intestines are sluggish. Since slow transit time and constipation increases estrogen levels - increasing water consumption, fibre intake, and taking bowel cleansing herbs will aid proper elimination.

Dissolving Fibroids With Enzymes

If at all possible, it is important to resolve fibroids when they’re small. When they’re larger, they’re more difficult to successfully treat. Fortunately, the protein-dissolving action of systemic oral enzymes (10 to 15 tablets daily) has the ability to actually dissolve the hard, fibrous material of a fibroid.

Successfully healing any health problem often requires the assistance of qualified holistic heath practitioners trained at finding the root causes of fibroids. The following modalities are effective in treating fibroids: acupuncture and Chinese herbs, naturopathy, homeopathy, Western herbal medicine, and chiropractic.

Determined to avoid a hysterectomy, Rosie committed herself, wholeheartedly, to a healing program. By improving her diet, using nutritional support, detoxifying her body, and reducing stress, she is now well on her way to becoming fibroid-free.



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