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Unwrap Your Beauty


Unwrap Your Beauty

All that glistens this time of year isn't necessarily found under the tree or on a holiday table. Even with your busy schedule, your skin can also sparkle if you try these three easy beauty tips.

All that glistens this time of year isn’t necessarily found under the tree or on a holiday table. Even with your busy schedule, your skin can also sparkle if you try these three easy beauty tips.


No matter how late the party or how weary the bones, you absolutely must wash your face before going to bed. Grime and makeup left on your face absorbs into your skin overnight, leaving it dirty, dull, and prone to blemishes. Organic olive oil is effective for removing most makeup.


Watch your skin start to glow when you exfoliate dead cells. For a quick daily treatment, wash your face with a soft terry-cotton washcloth and warm water. Gently rub skin in a circular motion, paying special attention to the forehead, chin, nose, and cheeks.

When you have an extra two minutes, treat yourself to an exfoliating mask that’s good enough to eat. Combine 2 Tbsp (30 mL) plain yogourt with 1 Tbsp (15 mL) oatmeal and 1 Tbsp (15 mL) honey to form a paste. Massage mask into your face, and leave on for a few minutes. Yogourt contains lactic acid, which helps to gently exfoliate dead cells, while the other ingredients soothe and nourish skin.

Polish your body skin by brushing with a long-handled natural bristle brush on dry skin before you shower. Start at the bottoms of your feet, working toward your heart, with minimum pressure. Move the brush in a circular motion over your abdomen. Follow with a rinse.


Colder temperatures and furnace heat dry the skin, so be sure to lubricate from head to toe. Try organic jojoba oil or sweet almond oil on your face, while olive oil and coconut oil are perfect for your body. Your health products store also offers special oil blends. Drink plenty of water to keep skin cells plump, and have an H2O chaser after every cocktail.

Need to Revitalize Your Skin Between Parties?

Try this natural spritzer to soothe and hydrate weary skin.

Add three drops of rose essential oil to 8 oz (250 mL) of distilled water. Mist your face regularly–even over makeup–just be sure to avoid the eye area. Spritzer will keep in a dark glass spray bottle for six months.

Tip: To help eliminate residues of cocktails and holiday treats, soak in a warm Epsom salts bath to draw toxins out of your body.



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