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Treemenda and the Gift From Down Under


Treemenda and the Gift From Down Under

For the last 14 years, I have read and explored many facets of Australia. This intriguing country contains some of the most unusual flora and fauna on this planet.

For the last 14 years, I have read and explored many facets of Australia. This intriguing country contains some of the most unusual flora and fauna on this planet. One such example is Australian tea tree oil, such as that found in Treemenda, a product line currently being launched in Canada.

In 1985, while walking bare foot through a garden, I stepped into a mound of fire ants. An essential oil called Australian tea tree was applied to my feet immediately. I had never heard of this unusual essence with its aromatic spicy odor. I do know however, that the stinging and swelling subsided within a few minutes. Hardly a moment goes by that I don’t use the oil in some way, whether brushing my teeth or applying it to my skin.

In the mid 1980s, I was actively involved in the importing of tea tree oil to North America. The research and the effectiveness of the oil fascinated me. In 1990 I established Kali Press, a small publishing company focusing on complementary health topics. Within the last 10 years I have written and gladly spoken on the multitude of healthy skin benefits which are derived from tea tree oil.

Australian tea tree oil Melaleuca alternifolia comes from a particular species of the Myrtacae family. The trees grow naturally in Northern New South Wales and Southern Queensland, Australia.

Australian tea tree oil has a long history of use and research. The oil is firmly established in the present day pharmacopoeia for professional and general public use in a number of areas. Its primary use centres on its abilities as an antiseptic and anti-microbial essential oil. More than 300 research studies and articles have been written on these qualities.

Research began in the 1920s with Dr AR Penfold, curator and chemist at the Government Museum of Technology and Applied Sciences in Sydney. Dr Penfold discovered that tea tree oil was 13 times stronger than carbolic acid as an antiseptic bactericide. (Carbolic acid was considered the universal standard in the early 1900s.)

Nearly a century later, tea tree stands out among natural herbal remedies and has proven time and time again that it is truly a first aid kit in a bottle.

In the tremendous growth of awareness and use of natural products, some companies have become leaders in the field. The team that created Treemenda has more than 12 years of extensive experience working with tea tree products. In creating such products, much knowledge and research goes into finding just the right balance of ingredients. Tremendous effort goes into establishing effectiveness, stability and a long shelf life. The Treemenda line will include shampoo, conditioner, antiseptic cream, liquid soap and a hand and body lotion. Other personal body care products will be available in the near future.

As a writer and researcher I find that it is imperative to discern the difference between the multitude of products that are available for the consumer. Product selection can be over whelming and can cause confusion as to which is of the highest quality. Recent legislation helps to monitor and keep product industry standards high. Therefore, as consumers it is important to not only have faith in the efficacy of a product you purchase, but to know the background and integrity of that particular manufacturer. It is with great pleasure that I have this opportunity to share my knowledge of health and vitality along with the people who created Treemenda.

One of the remarkable aspects of tea tree oil is its proven effectiveness in a number of applications for first aid and personal bodycare. Some conditions for which tea tree oil is useful include dandruff and acne (in teenagers as well as adults), mouthwash, bronchial congestion, minor burns and athlete’s foot.

In the final analysis, we are our own caretakers. Special gifts from nature such as tea tree oil can assist us in many ways. Maintaining a healthy body, mind and spirit can bring us gifts of health, our true purpose, serenity and love into each day of our precious lives.



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