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Treats for Your Tender Tootsies


Oh, my aching feet! If this sounds like something you'd say, then it's time to treat your tootsies to a little TLC

Oh, my aching feet! If this sounds like something you'd say, then it's time to treat your tootsies to a little TLC. A satisfying herbal soak or reflexology foot massage may be just what you need especially when relaxing walks on sandy beaches and gorgeous summer sunsets are on the horizon.

Soothing Soaks

There are different curative herbal soaks depending on your needs. If you have dry skin, look for herbal ingredients such as calendula, mallow, heartsease, rose petals, geranium leaves or chamomile. Sore muscles can be eased with birch, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, thyme or marjoram. For plain old relaxation, lavender, lemon balm, linden flowers, rose petals, spearmint or valerian roots are the answer.

You can make your own herbal soak by steeping either a bundle of fresh herbs or good quality dry herbs into a strong pot of tea and use it as your footbath water. Alternatively, put the herbs in a cheesecloth or muslin pouch, and hang it directly under running water.

To control foot fungus, make a strong infusion of the herbs calendula, thyme, sage, peppermint, rosemary or lavender. Soak your feet for five to 10 minutes. Dry your feet thoroughly and dust them with an antimicrobial foot powder.

Foot powder Blend together one-quarter cup (60 milligrams) of cornstarch, a teaspoon (five mg) of baking powder and a pinch of orrisroot powder. Then add two drops of peppermint oil, or five drops of either lavender or rosemary oil to the mixture. To blend in the oil, rub in each drop into the powder between your fingertips. Store the finished powder in a sealed container.

Basic Foot Massage

Give yourself a stimulating reflexology foot massage to improve the functioning of your organs and to increase your circulation and energy. Remember to use a massage oil. Invigorating blends may contain essential oils such as rosemary, spruce, peppermint and citrus oils.

When doing this treatment, press deeply with your thumb and massage in a circular motion to a count of 10. Then release the pressure to a count of three. Repeat the massage on the point five times.

Pituitary gland balances glandular function - on the pad of the each big toe.

Liver aids digestion and removes toxins on the right foot beneath the last two toes, halfway up from the heel.

Lungs ensure proper oxidation of the skin - on the balls of both feet, below the middle toes.
Intestines aid digestion and nourishment of the body - in the centre of the foot, between the top of the heel and the middle of the arch.

Adrenals reduce inflammation, maintain the body's water and mineral balance and metabolize fat - at the base of the ball of both feet, between the big toe and second toe.
Kidneys filter out toxins from the body- in the centre of the inside edge of the arch on both feet.

Lymphatic system produces antibodies to fight infections and protects the organs and tissues from harm on the topside of both feet from one anklebone to the other.

On Your Feet

  • The average pair of feet contains 52 bones, 66 joints, 38 muscles and more than 200 ligaments.
  • The 52 bones of the feet make up about one-quarter of all the bones in your body.
  • Your feet also have more sweat glands than any other part of your body about 250,000, which produce nearly one cup of moisture a day.
  • About 80 per cent of adults will suffer from foot problems at one point in their lives.
  • Two-thirds of these problems are shoe-related.
  • Women of all ages have four times as many foot problems as men high heels are the culprit.

Source: Dr. Scholl Institute



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