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Tips for Tummy Fat


Tips for Tummy Fat

Crunches and other abdominal exercises will help your abs become stronger, more lean and toned, but no specific exercise gets rid of abdominal fat

Crunches and other abdominal exercises will help your abs become stronger, more lean and toned, but no specific exercise gets rid of abdominal fat. "Spot reduction" is not possible; you cannot point to a certain area of your body and say, "I want to lose fat right here."

So why do we have areas where the fat hangs on and other areas where excess rolls are easily reduced? This has to do with fat "mobilization." When your muscles require energy, they call upon your fat and sugar stores. The stored fat is "mobilized," transported to your liver, then finally routed to the working muscle to use. Therefore, doing abdominal crunches does not mean you are burning abdominal fat. You could be utilizing stored fat from your arm to supply energy to your abs to do the work, so other areas such as your arms or legs may first tone up. Although your abdominal fat may be the last to go, with persistence it will eventually give up its cozy home.

There are many exercises to work your mid-section but not just one that is the absolute best. Instead, incorporate a variety of movements into your exercise plan to ensure you are getting a well-rounded and effective program. Try including abdominal crunches, trunk rotation movements to target side muscles and other exercises that focus on the lower abdominal wall. Good examples are a basic crunch (you lift your head and shoulders off the floor) and a crunch with a twist, which involves moving your left shoulder toward the right knee and vice versa. Think about consulting a personal trainer because they specialize in designing specific programs and will also ensure a perfect technique!

Finally, to lose body fat, even only in one area, it's best to combine cardiovascular exercise (such as walking, cycling and swimming) with resistance training (free weights, weight-training machines, rubber tubing or weighted balls) and a well-balanced healthy eating program (including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes). As for those stubborn areas: be patient and persistent and let them know who's boss!



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