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Thermometers Hazardous


Thermometers Hazardous

Canadians throw away 1,840 kilograms (1.8 tonnes) of lethal mercury from broken thermometers every year, according to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. It's the largest source of mercury in garbage. Another 17 tonnes of thermometer mercury are dumped annually in municipal solid waste in the US..

Canadians throw away 1,840 kilograms (1.8 tonnes) of lethal mercury from broken thermometers every year, according to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. It's the largest source of mercury in garbage. Another 17 tonnes of thermometer mercury are dumped annually in municipal solid waste in the US.

Mercury in the environment is so dangerous to health that Boston, Duluth, and Ann Arbour have passed bylaws banning the sale of mercury thermometers or restricting their use by prescription. Maine Senator Dianne Collins has proposed a national ban. Environment Canada and some provinces are looking at the problem.

Don't throw thermometers in the garbage. Call your public health department: they will dispose of them. Buy non-mercury thermometers.



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