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The Four Cornerstones to Heart Health


Chelation therapy: removes plaque from the arteries by injecting a synthetic amino acid called EDTA (ethyl -diamine tetra acetic acid) into the bloodstream

Chelation therapy: removes plaque from the arteries by injecting a synthetic amino acid called EDTA (ethyl -diamine tetra acetic acid) into the bloodstream. This takes place slowly, over a number of hours. The process reduces mineral content, which can cause heart disease, from the blood. This in turn is eliminated through the kidneys. EDTA causes calcium to be pulled from arterial plaque. This helps the blood to restore its balance.

Diet: Eat an abundance of whole grains, beans, peas (legumes) along with other high-fibre foods. Melons, cucumber, leeks, onions and garlic are all considered to be artery-cleansing foods. They elevate high density lipoproteins (HDLs) the helpful form of cholesterol and lower low density lipoproteins (LDLs) the dangerous form to keep fatty deposits in the blood stream under control. They also prevent excessive clotting of the blood. "Citrus fruits, high-carbohydrate vegetables, whole grains, beans, high-fibre fruits, peppers, onions and the garlic group all have a super-supply of free radical fighting oxidants," according to Harold and Aline Brecher, authors of A Consumer's Guide to Chelation Therapy and other Heart Savers. Since their discovery, free radicals have been implicated as major players in many diseases including heart disease. Antioxidants continuously fight free radicals in the body.

Oils: Avoid saturated fats from commercially grown red meat and trans-fatty acids found in hydrogenated fats like shortening, margarine and all commercially processed foods. Be sure to check the labels! Use refined, cold-pressed nut and seed oils such as flax seed, walnut or pumpkin seed oils daily on salads and dishes that don't need heating. Seafood is also recommended for its high content of omega-3 and -6 essential fatty oils which lower blood triglyceride (fat) levels and improve blood flow.

Supplements: Coenzyme Q10 improves oxygen supply to the heart while supporting heart function and muscle strength. L-carnitine lowers triglycerides and LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol. It also increases muscle strength and stamina. Magnesium is also recommended as many heart patients have low levels of it in their systems. Deficiencies often cause spasms in coronary arteries and are responsible for irregular or quickened heartbeats. Vitamins C and E are also adv ised as vitamin C protects the artery walls from damage and it hinders clotting. Vitamin E strengthens artery walls, improves muscle function, improves oxygen supply to the cells and, like vitamin C, is an antioxidant.



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