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The Business of Modern Medicine Staking Out the Future


The Business of Modern Medicine Staking Out the Future

Iâ??ve been reading two important documents in the last month. One is the latest issue of the Journal of Degenerative Diseases (March 2000).

I’ve been reading two important documents in the last month. One is the latest issue of the Journal of Degenerative Diseases (March 2000). It’s published by the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation "devoted solely to the researching of the neuro-systemic degenerative diseases." The Journal is printed on newsprint and written by Donald Scott, the founder and international president.

The other document is the glossy government brochure announcing Pulse 2000, a three-day event that took place at the Toronto Hilton in May of this year. Pulse 2000 was endorsed by Prime Minister Chretien and billed as "Sustaining Healthcare: A Vision Into the Year 2010." It focused on "bringing together stakeholders from all sectors of the health care field."

The speaker faculty numbered 26: physicians, professors, bureaucrats, journalists and researchers. The participants were the providers of the vaguely defined community we call "health care professionals," all of whom were urged to "join over 300 of your colleagues and peers . . . for an analysis of topics" that included:

  1. Sustainability of Health Care into 2010

  2. World Trade Agreements and the Future of Our System Resources

  3. Planning into the Future Systems

  4. Canadian Privatization Trends, Critical Analysis of Health Integrating Systems

  5. and more

The biggest stakeholders--you, the consumers--were not invited!

"As different levels of government struggle over the responsibility of funding and the ability to make decisions within the looming context of an aging population," the brochure pondered, "the organization of the health care delivery system remains uncertain."

Better reread the above statement, slowly. And make sure you read between the lines of this doublespeak. These people are talking about "making decisions" about issues that directly affect you and your future!

It allowed that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and other trade agreements (World Trade Organization) severely limit the ability of the Canadian government to deliver a Medicare system to its citizens. (It looks as though Paul Hellyer, leader of the Canada Action Party, is right. Canadians can have NAFTA or Medicare. They cannot have both!)

Vision Into the Year 2010 is Canada’s "premiere health strategy congress," so we’re told. It’s primary goal is to "highlight the very latest developments impacting the delivery and quality of our system." It’s a strategy for globalization. World trade considerations will supplant consumer wishes and needs. Freedom of choice will be a nostalgic memory of what "might have been!"

Health in the 21st Century
The business of health care has been escalating in the last 33 years. Despite the millions poured into the "health" system, incidence of heart disease, cancer, asthma, diabetes and arthritis has increased. Modern medicine offers management of these diseases, but no cure. And there’s a longer list of even more recent autoimmune diseases for which medicine offers no recognition and certainly no medical insurance coverage other than dangerous conventional drugs. Alzheimer’s disease, Gulf War syndrome, bipolar depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Creuzfeldt-Jakob’s disease, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, lupus, Lyme disease get no effective treatment from conventional doctors. Sufferers are ignored and sometimes even mocked by the medical profession.

The Journal of Degenerative Diseases, however, researches what no elected government official or the Pulse speaker faculty is prepared to address: diseases characterized by the death of cells from a single instigating agent that has a biological base. This is the "common cause."

Biological weapons for covert bio attack was financed by the US military. Some of it was carried out in Canada. In 1969 the program was given a public face under the Special Virus Cancer Program of the National Institute of Health. According to Don Scott and others, the Cancer Program was a cover. What was really going on at this research base in Fort Detrick, Maryland, was the manufacture of biological agents that were unleashed on an unwitting public to test how they acted on the immune system!



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