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Seniors Benefit From Drinking Water Together


Seniors Benefit From Drinking Water Together

Improving our health can be more beneficial when done with others.

Sometimes improving our health with others can be more effective than doing so alone. In a recent study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, researchers looked at the effects of water clubs in seniors’ homes on overall health and well-being.

In these water clubs members get together to drink water as a social activity. The benefits from the activity came as much from drinking water as it did the social dimension of connecting with others. When compared to seniors who drank water on their own, members of water clubs reported an enhanced sense of their own well-being, fewer falls, and better hydration.

The study supports other research that suggests initiatives to improve people’s health and well-being can be more effective when done in groups. It’s part of the “social cure” that researchers say can be more potent in a number of areas such as stress, depression, and recovery from strokes.

Other research suggests that social ties in general can be beneficial to both our mental and physical health. An active social life has been linked to lower risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, greater ability to carry out physical tasks, better happiness, improved cognitive functioning, and longer life.

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