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Say So Long to Seasonal Allergies


Say So Long to Seasonal Allergies

Spring has finally arrived. Leaves and blossoms are bursting forth everywhere and filling the air with fragrance. Longer days and warmer weather beckon us to spend more time outdoors.

Say So Long to Seasonal AllergiesSpring has finally arrived. Leaves and blossoms are bursting forth everywhere and filling the air with fragrance. Longer days and warmer weather beckon us to spend more time outdoors.

That is, unless you suffer from seasonal allergies.

For some people, spring is the beginning of many months of misery characterized by a blur of sneezing, watery eyes and runny noses. Hay fever, as the condition is commonly referred to, is caused by an overactive immune system responding to a variety of allergens, from dust to pollens to grasses.

Because each individual responds to allergens in his/her own unique way, homeopathy is an ideal method of treatment. Homeopathy is prescribed on the basis of a person's distinctive symptoms rather than on the specific allergen that is triggering them. Allergy testing is not necessary for successful treatment. This is very different from typical antihistamine use, where everyone gets the same medicine once the diagnosis of hay fever is made. Homeopathy has the ability to alleviate acute symptoms promptly, as well as to address the underlying chronic cause of allergies and prevent them from recurring every year.

In order to treat the underlying cause of allergies and actually prevent them from recurring every year, the assistance of a qualified homeopath is definitely required. The homeopath will consider all aspects of your medical history and prescribe a "constitutional" remedy, which can actually correct immune system dysfunction. This form of treatment should begin well before allergy season so that the constitutional medicine has time to bring the body into balance.

If you are currently suffering from acute allergies, try to match your symptoms with one of the homeopathic medicines described below. If none of them seems to fit, you may want to purchase a combination allergy remedy.

Allium Cepa

An allergy medicine that illustrates the concept of "like cures like" is Allium cepa, made from the common red onion. Imagine what happens when you chop up onions and you get a pretty clear picture of the symptoms homeopathic Allium cepa can treat! Both the eyes and nose water and burn. The nasal discharge is quite acrid and irritates the nostrils and the skin above the upper lip. The symptoms tend to be worse in the evening and while indoors, and they improve slightly in the open air.


A slightly different picture calls for the homeopathic medicine Euphrasia. In this case, the eyes (not the nose) are the source of a burning, watery discharge that causes redness and irritation. There is frequent sneezing, a bland discharge from the nose and frequently a gritty feeling in the eyes. Like Allium cepa, the symptoms are worse in the evening and when indoors, but are also made worse from warm winds. They improve slightly in the fresh air.

Arsenicum Album

Another medicine to take for characteristic burning discharges is Arsenicum album (or Metallicum album). It is very similar to Allium cepa. Both the eyes and nose burn and itch. The nasal discharge leaves red marks on the skin above the lips as it runs down from the nose. There can be an annoying tickling sensation in the nose that no amount of sneezing relieves. The worst symptoms occur outdoors and at night, usually around midnight. Despite the burning pains of the eyes and nose, they actually improve with warm applications. This is a peculiar symptom that distinctly points to Arsenicum. You can confirm this symptom by experimenting on yourself. Using a cold and then a hot face cloth, apply each in turn to the face to see which one gives temporary relief of your symptoms.


The remedy Sabadilla relieves an allergy characterized by repeated fits of sneezing, sometimes up to 10 sneezes in a row, and a nose that "runs like a tap." There is extreme sensitivity to odours, especially fragrances. A quick sniff of a flower is enough to cause a fit of sneezing that seems to go on forever. The profuse watery discharge from the nose may be accompanied by a dull headache and, rarely, a Sabadilla patient has the peculiar sensation of a lump in the throat with the constant urge to swallow.


Itchiness is the most outstanding feature relieved by another remedy, Arundo. The eyes, nose, insides of the ears and particularly the roof of the mouth all itch like crazy. There can be sneezing (not in fits like Sabadilla) as well as a loss of sense of smell.

To try any of these remedies, purchase a vial of 12C or 30C potency and dissolve two pills under your tongue every one to four hours as needed. You may need to take several doses of the medicine before you notice an improvement in your symptoms. If after six doses you have seen no change, try another remedy. If one dose of a remedy lasts for more than four hours, don't repeat it again until the symptoms begin to return.

How Homeopathy Heals

Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like." A substance that can cause allergy symptoms in large doses can be used to treat them in microdoses when the medicine is prepared in a special way. Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, mineral, and animal sources. They are prepared through potentization, a process of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking), and are extremely safe. In Canada, these methods are standardized and regulated just like conventional medicines, so you can be assured of a high level of quality with any homepathic remedy you buy.

PDF of Quick Remedy Guide



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