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Sauerkraut Salad with Parsley Potatoes


Sauerkraut Salad with Parsley Potatoes

The delicacy of this meal lies in its simplicity.

Sauerkraut Salad with Parsley Potatoes

The delicacy of this meal lies in its simplicity.

Sauerkraut Salad
2 cups (500 ml) unpasteurized sauerkraut
1/2 medium-sized onion, finely diced
4 medium-sized pickles (lactic acid fermented if possible, see alive #214), cubed
1 medium apple, preferably Gala or Braeburn, coarsely grated (optional)
1/2 tsp (2 ml) sea salt (only if you use unsalted sauerkraut)
1/2 tsp (2 ml) caraway (if sauerkraut has no caraway )
3 Tbsp (45 ml) flax oil or a mixture of flax oil and pumpkinseed oil
dash of cayenne pepper (optional)

Parsley Potatoes
12 to 16 nugget potatoes, peeled and cooked whole
1 Tbsp (15 ml) salted butter
2 Tbsp (30 ml) fresh parsley, finely chopped

Sauerkraut Salad
Cut sauerkraut in smaller pieces. Add other ingredients as listed and toss gently until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Refrigerate for one hour before serving to bring out the flavour.

Parsley Potatoes
Heat butter in pan. Toss cooked hot potatoes in heated butter and sprinkle with parsley. Serve immediately with a side dish of sauerkraut.

Source: alive # 222, April 2000



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