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Row, Row, Row Your Way to Fitness


Row, Row, Row Your Way to Fitness

Whether you're a landlubber or a master mariner, you can enjoy excellent fitness benefits from rowing, which engages more muscles than most other forms of aerobic exercise

Whether you're a landlubber or a master mariner, you can enjoy excellent fitness benefits from rowing, which engages more muscles than most other forms of aerobic exercise.

Rowing "burns more calories for equivalent power output than cycling or treadmill running," says Frederick C. Hagerman, director of the work physiology lab at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Depending on how vigorously you row, you can expend from just over 400 to more than 1,000 calories per hour by rowing.

The advantage to rowing, over high-impact aerobic exercises such as running, is that rowing is easier on the joints. For people with arthritis, rowing can be a great low-impact lifeline for attaining aerobic fitness.

If you're interested in row, row, rowing a boat and you like the social aspects of joining a club of like-minded people, check out Rowing Canada at to find a club in your area. Landlubbers can also derive aerobic benefits on rowing machines at local fitness centres.



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