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Return the Glow


Your loving husband wants to know why his pregnant and ordinarily spunky wife won't go to the gym with him, and lately he can't even mention your favourite spicy Thai food without you turning green.

Your loving husband wants to know why his pregnant and ordinarily spunky wife won't go to the gym with him, and lately he can't even mention your favourite spicy Thai food without you turning green.

He is pretty sure that by now you should be "glowing." "Do you remember how you feel when you have to wake up at 3:30 am to catch an airplane and you're standing in the airport so nauseous and tired you can't even think about food?" I ask him. "Imagine that feeling all the time."

Almost every woman experiences some form of morning sickness during her pregnancy, usually between the 6th and 12th week. Although symptoms, caused by hormone fluctuations, are often felt during the morning, a wide range of symptoms from exhaustion to extreme nausea may be experienced any time of the day. Though there is no "cure" for morning sickness, many natural remedies can be very helpful in controlling the symptoms.

Common-Sense Solutions

An empty stomach and low blood sugar often bring on symptoms of morning sickness. Keep a constant blood sugar level throughout the day by eating small meals approximately every two hours. Because blood sugar is at its lowest and nausea often at its extreme first thing in the morning, many women find it helpful to keep crackers on their nightstand so that they can eat something before they get out of bed.

For some women just being around strong odours brings on nausea, and these women find eating cold, bland food is helpful. Eating or smelling greasy and spicy foods is often upsetting to the stomach and may even cause heartburn. If you are cooking, open a window or turn an exhaust fan on to avoid being overwhelmed by the aromas.

Exhaustion is a contributing factor to morning sickness, so be sure to get extra rest during this time. Many women find that a daily nap can help alleviate many of their symptoms and help them feel more like themselves again.

Helpful Supplements

Ginger and vitamin B6 have both been found to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of morning sickness. Women's Health News published a study of 291 women who were less than 16 weeks pregnant, with 146 women taking daily doses of ginger and 145 taking 75 mg of vitamin B6 daily. The women taking the ginger reported a 53 percent decrease in nausea and vomiting, and those taking vitamin B6 reported a 55 percent reduction
in symptoms.

Ginger can be taken in many forms such as ginger snaps, ginger ale, tea, or capsule form. Be certain when you purchase ginger that it is real and not made with
artificial flavours.

The key to relieving morning sickness is to try different things and determine what helps control your symptoms best. If you are concerned about your symptoms or are having trouble keeping food down, contact your health professional; and remember this when you see your baby's little face you'll know that it was all worth it



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Emilie Richardson-DupuisEmilie Richardson-Dupuis