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Raw Almond Yogurt


Soak three cups (750 ml) of almonds in purified water for 12 to 24 hours and rinse

Soak three cups (750 ml) of almonds in purified water for 12 to 24 hours and rinse. Blanch the almonds by pouring very hot water over them, then soaking them for 30 seconds. Pour the water off and immediately pour cool water over them. Peel off the skins and keep the almonds in water before using in the recipe.

In a blender, process the almonds in enough water to cover, adding more water to thin to a consistency like kefir or yogurt. Pour the mixture into a strainer held over a glass bowl or wide-mouth jar. By morning, the solid left in the strainer has become the "yogurt" and the liquid in the jar is nut milk. Use the solid like any other yogurt-it's particularly good for making salad dressings and smoothies, and adding to soaked grains. You can also add the nut milk to smoothies. Makes about one cup (250 ml).

Source: alive #242, December 2002



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