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Radiation Report


Radiation Report

Cell Towers Cover the Land Under the guise of public safety, the American Congress has passed another law requiring the blanketing of the United States from end to end with more communications tower.

Cell Towers Cover the Land
Under the guise of public safety, the American Congress has passed another law requiring the blanketing of the United States from end to end with more communications towers. Dubbed the Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999, it was sold to the public as a means to promote the use of 911 as an emergency number in wireless as well as in wired communications. But the Act goes much further. It authorizes the Federal Communication Commission to encourage and support efforts to spread out communications infrastructure across entire states so that wireless networks can provide seamless coverage and improved 911 service.

It also gives general immunity from liability to wireless carriers and their licensing bodies. They will have the same immunity that non-wireless carriers and government bodies now enjoy. President Clinton signed the bill into law October 26, 1999. Cellular Phone Task Force members in the US are already facing an onslaught of dozens of new digital wireless communication towers that are under construction for police and emergency services. The Act makes such projects public policy throughout the nation.

Airline Passengers X-Rayed
The US Customs service is now subjecting passengers at Kennedy International Airport in New York City to X-ray scanners that can see through clothing to search for contraband. Anyone who objects to being X-rayed will have to submit to a physical pat-down instead. The scanner can show private parts with clarity and portions of the display can be enlarged by the viewer. Unbelievably, no one seems to be screaming about harm from the radiation. All major airports in the US plan to have this equipment installed by June 2000.

More Cell Phones Than Babies
According to the newspaper El Mundo there were 15 million cellular phone users in Spain at the end of 1999--double the number of users at the beginning of the year. Mobile telephones now surpass the number of wired telephones and the growth is estimated to continue until the market is saturated, which is until each and every person acquires a terminal.

"Soon, as many new cellular phones will be born in the world as children," stated the El Mundo reporter.

But some Spaniards are refusing the phone. One author said, "I refuse in the first place because of health . . . the [radio] waves and the heat cook the brain. In the second place it is low-class. In the third place . . . I don’t understand why it now become so indispensable . . . The telephone is already enough of a torment. There is nothing in this world that cannot wait seconds, minutes, weeks and even months."
No Place to Hide, March 2000

Wired Wild Life
In 1998 the first Siberian snow tiger ever to go through pregnancy and give birth while wearing a radio collar had a litter of four cubs, two of which died from genetic abnormalities.
Reader’s Digest, November 1998

Ninety per cent of the lions in South Africa’s famous Druger National Park have an incurable strain of bovine tuberculosis which they apparently caught from buffalo. Johan Krige, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture said, "Lions are dying like flies." He said the Park’s entire population of more than 1,000 lions could be wiped out within five years.
The Age, September 28, 1998

Weddell seals in Antarctica have been outfitted with video cameras on their heads and computers strapped to their backs so that scientists can travel with these animals vicariously, reported Randall Davis of Texas A&M University.
Science, February 12, 1999

Appolo butterflies in the Kananskis Range of Canada’s Rocky Mountains have been outfitted with radio transmitters so that University of Alberta ecologists can follow their movements.
Discover, February 1997

Wild honeybee stocks have declined by 95 per cent in at the US since 1994 and commercial honey bees have declined by 50 per cent. The decline has been blamed on parasitic mites, bad weather, pesticides and habitat loss. Honey bees are reported not to survive in the vicinity of microwave towers generally. Wasps are also dying out. In Southern Australia they are nowhere to be seen!
South Peninsula Mail (Australia), May 6, 1999



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