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Pumpkin seed pesto


Pesto is versatile as a sauce to toss with hot pasta, but I prefer to use it as a topping on gourmet pizzas (instead of tomato sauce) or in sandwiches as a nutritious and tasty spread topped with tomatoes, sprouts, and leafy greens

Pesto is versatile as a sauce to toss with hot pasta, but I prefer to use it as a topping on gourmet pizzas (instead of tomato sauce) or in sandwiches as a nutritious and tasty spread topped with tomatoes, sprouts, and leafy greens. It provides protein, good fats, zinc, calcium, and plenty of vitamin C.

3 cups (750 ml) pumpkin seeds, lightly roasted
1 cup (250 ml) parsley
2 to 3 cloves garlic
1 tsp (5 ml) red chili flakes
1/4 tsp (1 ml) cinnamon
1-1/2 cups (375 ml) extra-virgin olive oil
1 tsp (5 ml) salt

In a food processor, blend the pumpkin seeds, parsley, garlic, chili flakes, and cinnamon. Pulse until coarsely blended and combined. Slowly add oil and salt and continue to blend until mixture is a smooth, colourful paste. Refrigerate or freeze in single 1/4- to 1/2-cup (60- to 125-ml) portions. Makes 2 to 3 cups (500 to 750 ml).

Source: alive #260, June 2004



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