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Platinum Naturals


Platinum Naturals

Three may seem a small number to some. To David Khang, founder and president of Platinum Naturals, three is a prime number; it represents the significant ways in which his company differs from others in the natural products industry.

Three may seem a small number to some. To David Khang, founder and president of Platinum Naturals, three is a prime number; it represents the significant ways in which his company differs from others in the natural products industry.

David Khang's personal involvement in the natural health industry dates back to 1977 with his family's retail health products store in Los Angeles. Khang's passion for the industry grew out of his innate interest in maintaining the natural in health products. "As my knowledge and awareness grew," says Khang, "I discovered my mission: to provide high quality and effective nutritional supplements that remain as close to nature as possible." How does Platinum Naturals differ from the rest? Count to three.

One No Excipients

At Platinum Naturals, formulations of natural herbal supplements do not include excipients. An excipient is an inactive substance used as a vehicle for supplementation or as an active ingredient. Categories of excipients include binders, fillers, disintegrants, lubricants, coatings, sweeteners, flavours, colours, and preservatives.

In addition, because tablets typically require seven different excipients, Platinum Naturals products are offered only in capsule form. Khang adds, "Capsules offer the additional benefit of allowing more of the active ingredients to be absorbed by the body than tablets."

Two No Harsh Chemicals

As Khang learned more about the natural supplement industry, he realized that herbal extraction was increasingly being done using harsh chemicals such as benzene and acetone. Kava kava and black cohosh have been implicated in some studies for liver toxicity because they were extracted using hexane in order to mine more of the active ingredients from their plant source, even though these herbs have been used safely for hundreds of years.

For their formulations, Platinum Naturals uses only herbal extracts that have been derived through traditional methods, including alcohol, water, and heat. "And to assure safety, purity, quality, and efficacy," says Khang, "we use third-party testing not in-house testing to avoid conflict of interest."

Khang emphasizes, "We do not take lightly the fact that our customers are in some manner entrusting their health to us by purchasing our products."

Three Omega Suspension Technology

Through continued research, Platinum Naturals developed a proprietary technology called OST™ (Omega suspension technology) to help improve the absorption of its supplements. This delivery system fully suspends active ingredients in omega oils to supply more vitamins and minerals to the body, resulting in significantly faster and better results, while improving overall health.

In 2005 Platinum Natural's OST™ won the prestigious Leonardo da Vinci (LDV) Award for Creativity and Innovation, which recognizes individuals that have created new, useful, and positive inventions and developments or improvements that reach new dimensions of performance.

"Platinum Naturals' new Omega Suspension Technology™ exemplifies the use of creativity and innovation to achieve positive results," said Elizabeth Huggins, Chair, LDV awards. "In developing OST™, Platinum Naturals created a new dimension of performance in nutrient absorbency."

To learn more about Platinum Naturals, visit them online at



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