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Ozone Therapy for Aids


"The story of the most heinous of all crimes within the modern Canadian medical establishment [is that] a proven safe and effective treatment for alleviating AIDS symptoms is hidden from vie.

"The story of the most heinous of all crimes within the modern Canadian medical establishment [is] a proven safe and effective treatment for alleviating AIDS symptoms is hidden from view."-Ed McCabe, author of O2xygen Therapies

Ozone therapy had been recognized since Dr Harvey Kellogg used it in his famous Battle Creek, Michigan Sanitarium where it was quickly incorporated as a basic healing modality. It's now accepted in allopathic medicine in Europe and by naturopaths in North America to treat many diseased conditions, including cancer and AIDS. Ozone is widely referred to as the "safest medical modality ever devised." A German study in 1981 reported that of the five million people treated, only 40 showed any side- effects and these were of a minor nature. In more than 120 years, only five deaths have ever been recorded. There is no other medical modality with such a record.

December 1 is World AIDS Day. Like Alzheimer's disease and cancer, AIDS is a terrifying condition. It's become epidemic among certain population groups and countries. No hope and no treatment are offered to victims except the hollow promise of a vaccine "in the future." Drugs to treat AIDS have proven to advance the disease and not cure. Ozone treatment is ignored, manufacturers of ozinifiers are closed down by government regulators and medical practitioners are threatened with loss of license to practice. In Canada only naturopaths can now use ozone therapy.

Ongoing research continuously corroborates that AIDS is not a disease. It's a combination of many so-called diseases, all of which have a common cause: the failure of immunity. The US Center for Disease Control says the definition of what constitutes AIDS is constantly expanding with more diseases being added to the list each year. The Common Cause Medical Research Foundation in Sudbury, Ont. includes in that list all the degenerative diseases of civilization-AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, fibromyalgia, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and on and on.

Part of the antidote for AIDS is to both rid the body of toxins and rebuild natural immunity through oxygen therapy (ozone and oxygen-rich, raw foods) and restoring the integrity of the blood cells.

The Common Cause Foundation can be reached at phone/fax 705-670-0180.



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