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Out of Clutter, Find Simplicity


Why does clutter have such a large effect on our mental and spiritual well-being? It is said that you should never go to sleep in a messy room because the physical clutter will psychologically irritate your mind. A messy desk or a cluttered house can have the same effect.

Why does clutter have such a large effect on our mental and spiritual well-being? It is said that you should never go to sleep in a messy room because the physical clutter will psychologically irritate your mind. A messy desk or a cluttered house can have the same effect.

Clutter robs people of precious time and energy that cannot be replaced. We have all had the experience of being late and frustrated because we can't put our fingers on that piece of paper that we know is "somewhere around here." I can't be the only mom who has made her son late for a soccer game because I can't find the soccer schedule.

A Whole Pile of Inefficiency

I'm not alone. According to Office World News (April 1999), the average executive wastes 150 hours per year looking for lost and misplaced items. Getting rid of excess clutter eliminates approximately 40 percent of the housework in the average home.

Most of us feel that we would be more organized if we just had more space. We think if we buy a few more storage bins, we will have this problem solved. But studies show that 80 percent of the clutter in most homes is a result of disorganization, not lack of space.

How do we end up with so much stuff? There are many reasons why people find it hard to let things go. Some people hoard things because of a sense of financial insecurity. Deep down they feel that if they let something go, they may never have the resources to purchase it again, so they end up with cupboards full of old magazines and mismatched containers. It is important to remember that in order to attract new, useful things into your life, you must create the right space and energy for them.

Put Away Procrastination

Some people defer today's tasks until tomorrow, setting aside bills, newspapers, and items that need repair. Keep in mind, tomorrow usually has no more spare time and energy than today. The only remedy is to take action, now! We have all heard: "Never hold the same piece of paper twice." When the mail comes in, deal with each piece immediately.

People often attach sentimental value to certain items. It may remind them of a time in the past they want to hold onto. Sentimental items are important to all of us. Remember to be selective; you'll never find the special items if you keep too many. Be certain that you are not holding onto a time in your life that is keeping you from appreciating the present and growing into the future.

De-cluttering your surroundings does wonders to free your mind and lift your spirit. Organizing consultant Bobbi Hoffman explains: "De-cluttering your schedule and surroundings will create time and space for you to enjoy life and do the things you love." Imagine the peace you would feel surrounded by only the things you love...and being able to find all of them!



Friends with Health Benefits

Friends with Health Benefits

Theodore D. Cosco, PhDTheodore D. Cosco, PhD