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Organic Wheat You Can Eat


Organic Wheat You Can Eat

The export demand for high quality organic wheat for flour is a huge opportunity for Canadian wheat growers, but theyâ??re not taking advantage of i.

The export demand for high quality organic wheat for flour is a huge opportunity for Canadian wheat growers, but they’re not taking advantage of it.

Both Britain and the European Union are in the market for good, organically grown wheat that is not genetically engineered, and Canada’s prairie provinces produce some of the finest wheat in the world. It’s time for Canadian grain growers to step back from conventional agricultural methods and fulfill customer demand, according to John Lister, owner of Shipton Mills in Gloucestershire, England. He spoke to organic producers at the Canadian Wheat Board’s fourth annual Moving to Market organic conference last December.

Organic flour is the fastest growing segment of the grain industry in Canada and international corporations like ConAgra Flour Milling are well aware of the trend. But organic wheat production is not keeping up. John Holliday, vice president of commercial flour for Robin Hood Multifoods, says Canada’s reputation for quality wheat production could translate into a large portion of the organic wheat market, but it’s up to farmers to supply the demand. Holliday says the food processing industry is looking for a reliable supply of organic flour products, but before they will invest in the growing market, farmers must prove they can supply the demand.
--Manitoba Co-operator
December 9, 1999



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