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Orange-Coconut Muesli


What better gift for Mom than a relaxing breakfast to start the day! Don't forget the final touches-fresh squeezed juice, her favourite herbal tea and a spray of flowers on the breakfast tray (careful not to spill!). Serves two (one for Mom and one for Dad).

What better gift for Mom than a relaxing breakfast to start the day! Don't forget the final touches-fresh squeezed juice, her favourite herbal tea and a spray of flowers on the breakfast tray (careful not to spill!)

4 dates
1/2 banana
1 cup (250 ml) natural yogurt
1 Tbsp (15 ml) sour cream
1/2 tsp (2 ml) pure vanilla extract
2 Tbsp (30 ml) coconut flakes

Cut the dates in half, remove the pits and cut in small pieces. Peel banana and cut in small pieces. In a mixing bowl, place yogurt, sour cream, vanilla, dates, bananas and half the coconut flakes. Stir with a wooden spoon until well mixed. Add rolled oats and gently mix once more. Peel orange and divide into segments. Cut the segments in half and add to muesli. Peel and core apple. Cut half the apple into fine strips and mix immediately with muesli to prevent browning. (The other half you may eat.) Stir in the honey and divide the muesli into two cereal bowls. Using a hand mixer, whip the cream until stiff and place on top of the muesli. Peel and slice kiwi. Decorate muesli with kiwi and sprinkle remaining coconut flakes on top. Serve at once. Serves two (one for Mom and one for Dad).

Source: alive #247, May 2003



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