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Keep Toxic Levels Under Control

n the midst of winter we may focus less on detoxing than we do in the spring, but we should continue to support our bodies in fighting toxic build-up. The following are clinically proven, natural substances that assist detoxification:

• Vitamin E strengthens lungs against inhaled pollutants
• Vitamin C reduces harmful effects of aluminum, lead, copper, and radiation
• Selenium and zinc strengthen immune system function
• Chlorella binds with heavy metals such as mercury and lead in the colon

By supplementing regularly with these natural detoxifiers, our bodies will have a much easier time when "spring cleaning" comes around.

Proteolytic Enzymes

Papayas and pineapples are nature's best sources of proteolytic enzymes, which we need to digest food protein. However, these enzymes have also been shown as beneficial in fighting cancer.

Numerous alternative cancer practitioners have promoted proteolytic enzymes. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez conducted a pilot study of patients suffering from inoperable adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. He treated 11 people with his diet program that included proteolytic enzymes. The experiment resulted in five people surviving for two years, four surviving for three years, and two still living.

Consequently, a larger scale study currently in Phase 3 is partially funded by the National Cancer Institute.

Whirl Up the Hemp

Smoothie drinks are a rapidly growing trend among natural food consumers. Whenever we're too busy or just simply not in the mood to cook, we can blend a smoothie for a healthy meal substitute.

Hemp protein powder contributes three important components to a nutritional smoothie protein, fibre, and carbohydrates. Lifestyle coach Cameron Shayne says, "Not only is hemp protein one of the richest sources of complete protein in the plant kingdom, it also features plenty of fibre, vitamins, and omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids (EFAs)." Hemp protein powder is compatible with low-carbohydrate diets as only 2 percent of its 12 percent carbohydrate content is sugar.

Hempseed oil is another excellent ingredient for a nutrient-rich smoothie. It is a source of gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 EFA, and the omega 3s alpha-linolenic acid and stearidonic acid. Nutritionists recommend our daily intake of omega-3 EFAs to be about 2 to 3.5 grams, which we can derive from two tablespoons (30 mL) of hempseed oil.

Look for hemp protein smoothie recipes at your local health food store. Let's face it our bodies need good nutrition, regardless of our schedules.



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