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New Organic Labels in Canada?


Now that the United States has adopted new national organic standards that require better labelling of organic products, will Canada do the same? Quite possibly, it appears

Now that the United States has adopted new national organic standards that require better labelling of organic products, will Canada do the same? Quite possibly, it appears. "The Canadian organic industry is looking forward to launching Canada's organic program, which is in the final stages of development," said Debra Boyle, president of the Organic Trade Association and CEO of Pro Organics, Canada's largest distributor of organic fresh foods. "With its implementation, Canadian consumers will enjoy increased confidence in the integrity of organic foods produced in Canada as well."

On Oct. 21, 2002, Boyle was invited to open the trading of the NASDAQ Stock Market in New York City's Time Square to commemorate the new American organic laws. Very appropriate, indeed, since the organic food market is growing annually at a rate of 20 to 25 per cent!



Forever Young: The Art of Delaying Time

Forever Young: The Art of Delaying Time

Nancy HillisNancy Hillis