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Naturopathy Fundamentals


Naturopathy Fundamentals

"I recently visited a naturopath for the first time and feltoverwhelmed by the amount of information related to natural health.

Naturopathy Fundamentals

"I recently visited a naturopath for the first time and feltoverwhelmed by the amount of information related to natural health. Could
you explain the fundamentals?"

Christine Craig, ND:

To answer your question, here are six principles derived from the works of
Hippocrates that form the basis of naturopathic medicine:

1) Do no harm. Naturopathic physicians respect the human body. They use
non-invasive treatment methods to minimize harmful side-effects. Suppression
of symptoms is also avoided to prevent interference with the diagnostic
healing processes.

2) Harness the healing power of nature. The body has the inherent ability to
heal itself. The naturopathic doctor simply supports and facilitates the
healing process.

3) Treat the whole person. Naturopathic medicine recognizes that the
harmonious functioning of mind, body and spirit is essential for true
health. The naturopath caters the treatment plan to each individual's unique
disease process.

4) Practise prevention. Prevention is the best medicine. Naturopathic
physicians take great care to educate patients on the necessary lifestyle
changes needed to prevent disease.

5) Identify and treat the cause. When you remove the cause, you remove the
obstacle to cure. If the cause is not removed, the disease process will
continue to further damage the body.

6) View doctors as teachers. The original meaning of the word doctor is
"teacher." Naturopaths teach patients the cause of their disease and
encourage self-responsibility in health. Naturopathic doctors are licensed
professionals with a minimum of eight years medical training. Because they
are knowledgeable in both western and natural medicine, they serve as an
excellent resource to help you develop a personal wellness program. To find
a naturopath in your area, consult your yellow pages or consult the
following Web site:



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